
暮光之城专访 达科塔范宁大秀童年萝莉照

2010-07-01 10:34
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The 16-year-old showed pictures from her childhood album during an interview with Jay Leno last night while promoting The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.


Vamping it up: Dakota plays the ruthless Jane in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse .The accomplish actress showed a series of snapshots of her with a tennis racket and football and went on to reveal her parents hoped she would grow up to be a sportswoman.


Too cute: The actress' parents initially wanted her to be a sportswoman 'My mum went to college on a full scholarship for tennis, my dad played minor-league baseball and my grandfather was a quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles.

演员Dakota Fanning在访谈的时候大曝儿时父母对自己的期望:原来她的父母想让他们可爱的女儿将来成为一名运动明星呢。看这个架势,确实有点像哦!“吸血鬼”Dakota Fanning说:“我出生在一个体育世家,母亲上的大学全部学时是学网球的,爸爸则是垒球队员,至于我的爷爷,他是费城老鹰(Philadelphia Eagles)也就是美国橄榄球联盟在宾西法尼亚州费城的一支球队中担任橄榄球的四分卫的位置呢!



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