
电影《低俗小说》原声:Girl You’ll Be A Woman Soon

2010-06-12 12:40
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沪江英乐讯   Girl You’ll Be A Woman Soon是电影《低俗小说》中的插曲。看昆汀的电影要做好充分的心理准备,就比如说这部《低俗小说》,冗长的对话,漫长的镜头,时不时固定在一个角度就那样保持个三五分钟画面不变,有时候你很想把导演掐死。不过台词长归长,却是挺有意思,故事也很好玩。Tim Roth,曾经的海上钢琴师1900,在这里面还客串了一把倒霉的抢劫犯。

:Urge Overkill
Song:Girl You’ll Be A Woman Soon

Girl, you'll be a woman... soon

I love you so much, can't count all the ways
I've died for you girl and all they can say is
"He's not your kind"
They never get tired of putting me down
And I'll never know when I come around
What I'm gonna find
Don't let them make up your mind.
Don't you know...

Girl, you'll be a woman soon,
Please, come take my hand
Girl, you'll be a woman soon,
Soon, you'll need a man

I've been misunderstood for all of my life
But what they're saying girl it cuts like a knife
"The boy's no good"
Well I've finally found what I'm a looking for
But if they get their chance they'll end it for sure
Surely would
Baby I've done all I could
Now it's up to you...

Girl, you'll be a woman soon,
Please, come take my hand
Girl, you'll be a woman soon,
Soon, you'll need a man

Girl, you'll be a woman soon,
Please, come take my hand
Girl, you'll be a woman soon,
Soon but soon, you'll need a man

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