
5月21日:飞越大西洋的雄鹰 (视频)

Chris_iron 2010-05-22 22:14
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On May 21st, 1927 - Charles Lindbergh landed at Le Bourget Airfield, France to a hero's welcome.

Charles Lindbergh was a dark horse when he entered a race for the $25,000 payoff to fly solo nonstop between New York and Paris. Backed by St. Louis businessmen, the modest 25 year old made front page news on both continents when he took off at dawn from Long Island. His monoplane, the Spirit of St. Louis was overloaded with gasoline and flew like a drunken seagull, barely clearing the trees on takeoff. He first flew north, then westward from Newfoundland. Sometimes dipping within 10 feet of the Atlantic. Another time soaring above 10,000 feet. After 33 hours, he landed at Le Bourget on May 21st, 1927, touching off a mad celebration which lasted almost as long as his daring flight.




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