

2016-04-19 21:49
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The wolf usually ate squirrels, chickens, chipmunks, and other small animals. But today he was hungry for something different. Today he wanted a tender, delicious pig. BACONPORK CHOPS!HAM! That’s what I want for dinner.

Wait! What is that I smell? Could it be a tender, delicious pig? Just then, the scary, smart and very hungry wolf saw the two little pigs playing. He was a sneaky wolf and decided to try to join in their game. Hello, little pigs. I am a friendly wolf and would like to play with you.

I … I… I don’t think so. Yeah, our mother warned us about you. The two little pigs stopped what they were doing and quickly ran back to their homes. The wolf followed them and came to the first little pig’s house. Little pig, little pig, let me in please. Never! No! No! No! No! No! You will never get in here! Then I will huff, and I will puff, and I will BOLW your house down!!
