

伊伊 2023-07-18 01:29
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K:Its so tiring to climb to the top of the mountain.


J:I feel the same. Whats worse, we have to get back down.


K:Oh my god. I cant bear that. Arent there any cable cars?


J:Let me ask the officers. Excuse me, can you tell me where I can take cable cars?


O:Walk further and you will see the sign. I am afraid you have to wait a long time.



I need some new clothes for the coming season. Where shall I go to pick up some?



Im thinking of buying some stuff, too. Lets go to the speciality stores. There will be some new models for sale now.



Will the new models be very expensive?



Depends on the brands. But there will be some out-of-season clothes on discount, too. So maybe we can also get some stuff, good and cheap.



Great. Lets go.(They step into a speciality store.)



Do you like this one? I think it will be great on you.



I like the style. Especially the Porsche logo. Let me try it on in the fitting room. Wait a minute!



Take your time.(May stands in front of the mirror, wearing the new dress.)Hmm, not bad, but Im afraid its a bit too big for you.



Yeah, thats the only problem. Well, do you think theyve got a smaller one?



Probably not. Most of the clothes here have only one average size.



Never mind. What about going to check out the discount section?



Thats what Im thinking about.(They come to the discount section.)Oh, this one.



Whats up?



This dress was a new model this time last year. I loved it but it was a bit too expensive. So I gave it up.



Good for you. Its 50% off now. Take it!



Sure. I wont miss this chance. Its my lucky day.



Wow! Theyve got everything here. All the worlds famous brands. Aunt Cindy, what is your favorite brand?



I love all the fashionable things. But my favorite brand is Chanel.



Oh, thats a very expensive brand, but with good reason.



Yeah. Each style is specially designed by worlds top designers. So they can always make you look amazing.



I see. Come here. The high heels here look really attractive. But I wonder whether its comfortable to wear any of them?



Not really, especially at the beginning, if you wear high heels all day long, your feet would hurt. But, no big deal. Women can always get used to that.



Its not a simple thing to be beautiful.



Sure. But everyone loves to be beautiful. Hey, do you think this pair of sunglasses matches the handbag well?



Yeah, very tasteful. And with them, you look even more fashionable. Oh, there are so many French perfumers. Oops, perfumes for guys? So strange!



Come on. Fashion is not only for women. Men also share the equal right to chase fashion. Its the new fashion for men to wear perfumes, which is called cologne.



Oh, really, thats really something new. Im afraid not everyone can accept it.



It takes time for that. But peoples consuming attitudes are changing quickly.



Thats true. Well, its obvious that fashion is not a cheap thing. So, do you spend all your money on it?



No. Fashion is just part of my life, which improves its quality. But also, Im good at financing. I have a credit card, but I never overdraft.



How is it that you are my moms sis? You two are so different. She always picks up bargains and spends more than she earns. You do so much better than her.



I have to say thats just the result of difference of our consumptive habits.


T:I want to rent skis and boots.


D:Here you are. Have a nice stay here.


T:Thank you. I am a learner so can you tell me where I can find a ski instructor?


D:We will find you one. Wait a moment.


T:Thank you very much.



Can I help you, sir?



Yes, please. Im picking out some presents for my children and wife.



What kind of presents do you want?



Actually, I dont know exactly. Do you have anything recommended?



OK. How about some very cool sneakers for your children? Anyway, it wont cost you much. Its only around $59.95 for each pair. It might be cheaper than that in America.



Hey, How did you know I came from America?



Just a hunch, sir.



How much again?






Thats really cheap for shoes like those. OK, Ill take 5 pairs.



Sorry, sir.



Why not?



Because in this duty-free shop, your total expenditure cannot be over $300 and you also have one more present to buy for your wife.



Oh, my God. Ive totally forgotten about that. Anyway, I think she would like a bottle of perfume.



Thats good. And I can also recommend you a good one. Its the brand of DKNY.



DKNY? Thats very expensive in America. It costs nearly $70 for only 50ml.



Its $60 here.



Thats very unbelievable. Is it fake?



Of course not, sir.



OK, Ill take one.


T:Excuse me, can you tell me where I can go fishing?


S:I like fishing too. I usually fish near the lake.


T:I want to go fishing today, but I have left my rod and fishing line at home.


S:What a shame.


Toby: Hey Erin, its great to see you again. How is your new job?

Erin: Hi Toby, its really great. The work is really interesting, the salary is good, and the company has great benefits.

Toby: Wow! You know, I would really love to work at such a great company.

Erin: Well, I guess you can apply online if we have any positions open.

Toby: Actually, I was hoping you could recommend me directly. Here is my resume.

Erin: Oh, you brought me your resume. Well Toby, I remember that you had a very...how should I say...relaxed attitude toward work at the book store.

Toby: No way! I was a model worker! Maybe you just didnt notice.

Erin: Yes, because I was too busy helping customers.

Toby: Oh please, Erin. Isnt there any way you could help me with this? I really need a job.

Erin: Hmm...well let me look at your resum. Alright Toby, your resume says you have great computer skills. Is that true?

Erin: Toby: Of course! I have extensive experience surfing the Internet.

Erin: I see. But Im not sure that is a real qualification.

B: Good evening, Ms. Welcome to China-trust Hotel.


G: Thank you.


B: How many pieces of luggage do you have?


G: Just this three.


B: Two suitcases and one bag. Is that right?


G: Yes. That’s all.


B: I’ll show you to the Front Desk. This way, please. I’ll put your bags by the post over there.


G: I see, thanks.


B: A bellman will show you to your room when you have finished checking-in.


G: OK. Fine.


B : Please enjoy your stay.


Taking a guest to the room

A: Goodbye, Mr. Smith. I hope you’ll have a pleasant trip home. [hug]


B: Thanks. I had a wonderful time here.


A: Well, Daniel, I’m afraid I have to say good-bye now. The train leaves in fifteen minutes.


B: I wish you didn’t have to leave so soon. Have a nice trip!


A: Thanks. I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon.


B: Me, too. Take care. [Hug]


A: Oh, they are calling the passengers to board the plane now. Thank you so much for seeing me off. Goodbye. [Hug]


B: Goodbye. Have a good flight! Say hello to your wife for me.


A: Thank you. Let’s keep in touch.

F: Welcome aboard!


C: Thank you, Im delighted to be working here, Mr. Buchwald。


F: Call me Buck, will you? My name is Reginald Buchwald but everybody calls me Buck. Its easier。


C: Id prefer to call you Mr. Buchwald. Isnt it rather disrespectful to make a nickname out of ones family name?


F: Well, President Eisenhower was known as Ike. Everybody in this company all the way up and down the line is called by his or her first name。


F: Its been our tradition ever since the company was small. And dont worry about the disrespectful business. OK?


C: Ill try。


F: Good. But when there are outsiders, like business people from other companies, it might be good to address your higher-ups as Mr., Ms. or whatever is appropriate. To those outside the company, it may be interpreted as a sign of flippancy or lax discipline. Get it?


C: Yes, sir。


F: (Laughing) And dont sir me either. Now Ill show you your private office。


Michael: My computer is really going crazy today.


Billy: Have you tried re-booting it?

比利:你试过re-booting (重启动)了吗?

Michael: I think the Big Kahoona would be really angry if she saw me kicking my PC.


Billy: I dont mean that you should kick you computer! Have you tried to restart it?


Michael: Do you think that would help?


Billy: Maybe. What error message are you getting?


Michael: It says that I have too much email.


Billy: How many emails do you have in your inbox?


Michael: About 10,000!


Billy: Leave your computer alone for a while and I will tell you how to manage your email more efficiently.


A:May I fix an appointment wtth Dr.Cui?




A:When will it be convenient for her?


B:Any time is all right, except Sunday.


A:How about ten oclock tomorrowv?


B:OK. Ill tell her.


1. hey, dont try to rip me off. i know what this is worth.


2. can you give me a little deal on this?


can you give me this for cheaper?


3. is there any discount on bulk purchases?


give me a discount.



Did you have a good time at your prom?



That was so many years ago.



I know, but did you have a good time?



Not really. The guy who took me just wanted to make out with me all night.



Did you let him kiss you?



I didnt get the chance.



How so?



He drank too much with his buddies and had to go outside to barf!



Yuck! Guys can be so gross sometimes.


A: What university do you attend?

B: I attend Zhongshan University.

A: When will you graduate from the university?

B: I will graduate this coming July.

A: Are you going to receive any degree?

B: Yes, I will receive a degree of Bachelor of Business Adminstration.

A: Please tell me about the courses you''ve completed at university.

B: I''ve completed Marketing Principles, Sales Management, Distribution Theory, Economics, Accounting, Statistics, Psychology, Business English and so on.

A: What is your favorite course?

B: My favorite course is Cost Accounting.

Tracy:You seem to be interested in our new J7 cellular telephone. Would you like to know more about it?

崔西:您似乎对我们新型的J7 行动电话很感兴趣。您想知道更多的信息吗?

Harold:Yes, I would. What does this button here do?


Tracy:That button is for our call screening function. It allows you to identify the caller before you answer the call.


Harold:What else can you tell me about this phone?


Tracy:This special phone utilizes state-of-the-art technology to bring you several unique functions in addition to the call screening feature.


Harold:So, what are the unique functions?


Tracy:Oh, its loaded with them. If you are outside of your service area, this cell phone can still receive messages.


Harold:No kidding?


Tracy:In addition to that, it has a vibration feature that will let you know when you have a call if you dont want the ringing sound to interrupt important meetings. Here is our brochure with all the details.


Harold:What is the price of the J7 model?

哈洛德:J7 这一型的价格是多少?

Tracy:The list price is US$110 per unit. Were offering a special in-show discount of 10%.


Harold:Well, Ill have to contact my office and get back to you. Thanks.


Lester:As you know, the FastTrek 2000 is due for release next month. I think weve finally worked the kinks out.

莱司特:正如你所知,FastTrek 2000 预定在下个月推出。我想我们已经解决了所有琐碎的问题。

Helen:Great. Thats vital. Quality is the focus of the ad campaign. The boards must work well if theyre going to be the cash cow we want them to be.


Lester:Lets go over our promotion plans again.


Helen:OK. We have six major retailers running demonstrations at most branches. And our exhibition team is already on the road setting up for computer shows.


Lester:Good. What about print and radio?


Helen:Weve taken out full-page ads for two large trade magazines. And more important, our press releases have been well received.


Lester:Any larger ads?


Helen:Yes. Were putting the same full-page ad in the Sunday edition of three major newspapers.


Lester:Sounds perfect.


Helen:But nothing ever works out as you want it. So I have a number of other tricks up my sleeve, as well.


A:Hello! I’m Miss Lee. 你好,我是李老师。

B: Hello! I’m Anna. 你好,我是安娜。

A: How do you do ? 你好?

B: How do you do? 你好?

A: Glad to meet you ! 见到你很高兴!

B: Glad to meet you , too! 见到你我也很高兴!

A: What’s your name? 你的名字是什么?

B: My name is Mike. 我的名字是Mike。

A: How old are you ? 你几岁了啊?

B:I’m 1/2/3/4/5/… 我1/2/3/4/5/…岁。

A: What’s this? 这个是什么啊?

B: It’ a bee /cat /duck…. 这是蜜蜂/猫/鸭子…

A: What colour is it ? 它是什么颜色?

B: It’s red /white /blue /yellow /black /green /pink ...它是红色/白色/蓝色/黄色/黑色/绿色/粉色…

A: What’s this ? 这是什么?

B: It’s a banana. I like banana. 这是一个香蕉。我喜欢

I don’t like … 香蕉。我不喜欢…

A: Can you jump /swim /fly /walk ? 你能跳/游泳/飞/走嘛?

B: Yes, I can. I can … 是的,我能。我能…

No ,I can’t. 不,我不能。

A: Look at the picture /pears /bananas …看图片/梨/香蕉…

B:One ,two ,three ,four ,five ,six ,seven ,eight ,nine ,ten ,eleven ,twelve…1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12…

A: May I know your name ? 我可以知道你的名字嘛?

B: My name is … And you? 我的名字是…你呢?

A: What’s her /his name? 她/他的名字是什么?

B: Her/his name is… 她/他的名字是…

A: Nice to meet you . 见到你很高兴!

B: Nice to meet you ,too . 见到你我也很高兴!

A: How are you doing ? 现在好吗?

B: Very well./Just so so/I’m bad. 很好/一般/不好。

A: How’s everything ? 一切都好吗?

B: Pretty good. And you ? 非常好。你呢?

A: How are you ? 你(身体)好嘛?

B: Fine . How about you ? 很好。你怎么样啊?

A: I’m good. 我挺好的。

A: Let’s play ping-pong/basketball/football/volleyball让我们去打乒乓球/篮球/(踢)足球/排球…吧。

B: OK. 好的。

A: May I come in? 我可以进来嘛?

B: Come in ,please . 请进。

A: What’ that ? 那是什么?

B: It’s a /an … 那是…

A: What’s in the picture? 在图片里的是什么啊?

B: It’s... 它是

A: Is this a pencil ? 这是一支铅笔嘛?

B: Yes ,it is. /No ,it isn’t . 是的,它是/不,它不是。

A: What time is it in New York/China/England…?在纽约/中国/英国…现在是几点啊?

B: It’s 8 AM/PM. 上午/下午8点。

It’s morning/afternoon/evening. 是早上/下午/晚上。

A: What do you like? 你喜欢什么啊?

B: I like pandas/monkeys/cats/dogs…我喜欢熊猫/猴子/猫/狗…

A: Do you like dancing/singing/swimming/skating…?你喜欢跳舞/唱歌/游泳/滑冰/…嘛?

B:Yes , I do. /No , I don’t .是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢

A: Where are you going ? 你要去哪里啊?

B: I’m going to the zoo/library/shop/cinema/school…我要去动物园/图书馆/商店/电影院/学校…

A:May I know your name ? 我可以知道你的名字嘛?

B: You can call me … 你可以叫我…

A: Where are you from ? 你来自哪里?

B: I’m from England/China/…我来自英国/中国…

A: Which school are you in ? 你在哪个学校?

B: I’m in …school. 我在…学校。

A: What grade are you in ? 你在几年级?

B: I’m in Grade One/Two /Three…我在一/二/三/…年级

A: What time is it ? 现在几点了?

B: It’s 8. It’s time for … 八点。到…的时间了。

A:How many days are there in a week ?一周有多少天?

B: There’re seven days . 有七天。

A: What are they ? 他们是什么啊?

B: They are Monday ,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.他们是星期一/星期二/星期三/星期四/星期五/星期六/星期日。

A: What day is it today ? 今天星期几?

B: Today is Monday/Tuesday/… 今天是星期一/二

A: What day is it tomorrow ? 明天星期几?

B: Tomorrow is Tuesday/Wednesday/…明天星期二/三。

A: Are you free tomorrow ? 你明天有时间嘛?

B: Yes ./No . 有/没有。

A:Let’s go to the supermarket /…?让我们去超市/…吧?

B: Good idea ! 好主意!

A: Do you have an umbrella ? 你有雨伞吗?

B: Yes ,I have one .And you ? 是的,我有。你呢?

A: Of course . I have one ,too. 当然啊,我也有一把。

A:Which is your favorite season ? 你最喜欢哪个季节?

B: I like spring( summer/fall/winter )because I like …(动词后要用ing 形式)我喜欢春季(夏/秋/冬)因为我喜欢...

A: What’s the weather like today ?今天天气怎么样?

B: It’s sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy/…今天天气晴朗/下雨/多云/刮风/下雪。

A: Which fruit/food do you like ?你喜欢什么水果/食物?

B: I like apples, bananas, pears, grapes, …/chicken, chirps, hamburgers, hot dogs, bread, cake…


A:Will we drive to the seaside?


B:Yes, it will take about four hours. We can leave about noon and get there by supper time.


A:Let me help pay for gas.


B:All right. There will be three of us going so we will each pay a third.


A:What other expenses will we have?


B:There wont be many other expenses expect food.


Mary:Hi, Tony. You look unhappy. What’s wrong?

Tony:Oh, Mary. I made a big mistake.

Mary:What happened?

Tony:I really wish I hadn’t done it.

Mary:What on earth? are you talking about?

Tony:I got caught cheating. I feel so ashamed. The teacher saw me and told me I failed.

Mary:What were you thinking?

Tony:You know my father. If I fail, he’ll kill me. I have to do well.

D: I‘d like to get the ball rolling(开始)by talking about prices.

R: Shoot.(洗耳恭听)I‘d be happy to answer any questions you may have.

D: Your products are very good. But I‘m a little worried about the prices you’re asking.

R: You think we about be asking for more?(laughs)

D: (chuckles莞尔) That‘s not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what I’d like is a 25% discount.

R: That seems to be a little high, Mr. Smith. I don‘t know how we can make a profit with those numbers.

D: Please, Robert, call me Dan. (pause) Well, if we promise future business――volume sales(大笔交易)――that will slash your costs(大量减低成本)for making the Exec-U-ciser, right?

R: Yes, but it‘s hard to see how you can place such large orders. How could you turn over(销磬)so many? (pause) We’d need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise.

D: We said we wanted 1000 pieces over a six-month period. What if we place orders for twelve months, with a guarantee?

R: If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.


R: Even with volume sales, our coats for the Exec-U-Ciser won‘t go down much.

D: Just what are you proposing?

R: We could take a cut(降低)on the price. But 25% would slash our profit margin(毛利率)。We suggest a compromise――10%.

D: That‘s a big change from 25! 10 is beyond my negotiating limit. (pause) Any other ideas?

R: I don‘t think I can change it right now. Why don’t we talk again tomorrow?

D: Sure. I must talk to my office anyway. I hope we can find some common ground(共同信念)on this.


D: Robert, I‘ve been instructed to reject the numbers you proposed; but we can try to come up with some thing else.

R: I hope so, Dan. My instructions are to negotiate hard on this deal――but I‘m try very hard to reach some middle ground(互相妥协)。

D: I understand. We propose a structured deal(阶段式和约)。 For the first six months, we get a discount of 20%, and the next six months we get 15%.

R: Dan, I can‘t bring those numbers back to my office――they’ll turn it down flat(打回票)。

D: Then you‘ll have to think of something better, Robert.

A.Thank you for your interest in this position.Why do you consider yourself qualified for this job?


B.I speak fairly good English and I enjoy meeting different kinds of people,so I think I could handle the work of a receptionist.


A.Why did you choose to come here for a job?


B.I hope to have a job which offers me an opportunity for advancement.


A.What interest you most about this job?


B.I like to work in a team and enjoy solving problems together.


A.What do you think you would bring to the job?


B0.I have the educational background and relevant experience required by the job.Besides,I am a very good team player and have the desire to make a thorough success.


B1.I know that you do a very big international business,so I thought it would be a good place for me to make use of the experience I have had abroad.


A.Why should I hire you?


B0.My educational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job.


B1.My business experience in China,mainly.I know a lot abut how the Chinese market works and how business is done there.


A.Why did you choose this corperation?


B.My past work experience is closely related to this job.I am confident of doing the job well.Therefore I am desirous to get this position.


A.What do you consider important when looking for a job?


B.I think the most important thing is the nature of the job.

One should never do anything one is not Interested in.


Jo: Im Jo and this is Real English from BBC Learning English.

Oliver: 大家好,我是Oliver,地道英语和大家一起学习现代英式英语中经常出现的流行词汇和实用表达。这些词儿和短语都是现在英国人当中非常流行的。So whats todays word Jo?

Jo: Well todays word is posh. P.O.S.H. posh.

Jo: Oh very good Oliver. Yes David Beckhams wife Victoria also has the nickname Posh.

Oliver: 这个词儿是用来说优雅的人的吗?比如有些上流社会的人,十分富有、衣着华丽、彬彬有礼、周旋在各种时尚社交场合什么的。

Jo: Thats right Oliver. So people who are rich, with nice clothes, who speak nicely and have good manners and might be called posh. We might also call someone posh as a joke.

Oliver: 你是指,说什么人 posh也可能是开玩笑的。比如说,你的一个朋友,开始喝很贵的葡萄酒,那你就可以拿他开玩笑说:

Jo: Youre getting a bit posh arent you?

Oliver: 在这个时候,posh就不是真的优雅的意思了,而是假高贵的意思了。一般来说,人们更喜欢用在评论什么人的时候,而很少当面说别人,除非像刚才我们听到的那样是开玩笑。


A: Were moving house – weve found a nice place next to the park.

B: Ooh thats a bit posh isnt it?

Jo: In fact Oliver, you are looking a bit posh today – are you going somewhere special?

Oliver: 是吗?哦,那可是真要谢谢你! Actually I am going out to a nice restaurant – in fact you could probably say a posh restaurant - with my friends tonight!

Jo: Well you look very smart. I dont often see you looking so posh!

Oliver: 那你就是说我平时看起来不怎么样啦!好了,不开玩笑了,还是看看我们今天学到的词儿吧 posh – 优雅的。

Jo: And thats about all for today. Youve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Dont forget to log onto our website

Oliver: 再见。

Jo: See you.

A: Good morning, Miss Cai. Congratulations! You’ve passed the interview.


B: Good morning, Mr. Yang. Thank you very much. Can I work now?

B:早上好,杨先生。非常感谢您。我现在 可以工作了吗?

A: Oh. Take it easy. As I’ve said in the interview, once you are employed, we’ll give you a probation period of three months. And now we need to sign a draft agreement for the probation period.

A:噢,别着急。我在面试时就已经说了,如 果你被录用,我们会给你一个为期三个 月的试用期,所以我们要先草签一份试用期的协议书。

B: I am sorry, I am just too excited and forget it. Can I look it through?

B:对不起,我太高兴了,把这事给忘了。能 让我先浏览一下好吗?

A: Of course, here you are. And you can ask me any question.

A:当然可以,给你。你可以随时问我任何 问题。

B: Well, I am sorry that I have a question. There is no remuneration item in this a-greement. Can you tell me something about it?

B:很抱歉,我有个问题要问。在这份协议 中没有有关福利的条款。您能给我解释一下吗?

A: Well, according to the principle of our company, employees like you have no remuneration during the probation period.


B: But you didn’t tell me in the interview.


A: I am sorry, It’s not decided by me but by the company.

A:不好意思,这是由公司决定的,而不是我 决定的。

B: Okay, I can’t decide whether sign or not now. Can you give me some time to think it over?

B:对不起,我暂时还不能决定签约与否。 您能给我一点时间考虑一下吗?

A: Okay. Can you give me a reply tomorrow?


B: Yes. Thank you very much. Mr. Yang.


A: Can you tell me why you plan to quit being a assistant to the general manager to work here as my assistant? Don’t you like your present job?


B: Frankly, some part of it I enjoy very much, but what I prefer is foreign trade, and these years I’ve always been looking for a chance to develop my abilities. It so happens that I have a friend working here in this company. She told me the export department was to recruit an assistant. I felt very excited at this news. That’s why I’m here.

B:坦率地讲,有些方面我还是很喜欢的,但 是我更喜欢外贸方面的东西。这些年来我一直都在寻找机会发挥所长。碰巧我 有个朋友在贵公司任职。她告诉我说出口部要招聘一名助理。听到这个消息, 我感到非常兴奋。所以我就来了。

A: All right, Mr. Qian. What do you think is the most important in expanding inter-national market?


B: So far as your company is concerned, I believe it’s quality. Nowadays, the international market is rather weak, but your company still enjoys outstanding turnover and profit. The only secret for your success is that you never export defective products. Quality is reputation. Ifs quality that is essential to occupying and expanding international market.

B:就贵公司而言,我相信质量是个关键。 目前,国际市场十分不景气,但贵公司仍然获得了十分突出的销售额和利润。而你们成功的唯一秘诀正是你们从不出口 有廣量问题的产品。质量就是声誉。质量正是占领和扩大国际市场的关键所在。

A: What did you exactly do in that position?


B: Well, I assisted the general manager with his work in many ways. Sometimes I presided over meetings or took part in some social activities in his name. I was also in charge of making credit inquires, approving payment terms and things like that. But I was mainly responsible for the feasibility studies of the projects, such as estimating the market potential of a newly developed product, competition in the industry, investment environment, and so forth

B:嗯,我在很多方面协助总经理工作。有 的时候,我代表他主持会议或参加社交活动。我还要负责进行信用咨询、审批付款等诸如此类的事情。但我主要是负责计划的可行性研究,比如,评估一个新开发产品的市场潜力、行业竞争情况、投资环境等等。

A: I can see you did a lot of work. Mr. Qiann, you must have done a good job in that corporation. Not many young people at your age can expect to reach a higher position than assistant to the general manager. So I don’t quite understand why you left the post.


B: I never easily give up something that is valuable. Before I decided to quit that position, I had made a thorough analysis of things like what I would gain and what I would lose here in your company. You know, Shenzhen has always been a fascinating place to me, full of challenges as well as hopes. In addition to this, I have the specialized knowledge and the necessary experience of making a good assistant to the export manager. Of course, opportunities to work a-broad and a higher salary are also important to me. So I believe it’s worthwhile to come here to work.

B:我从不轻易放弃有价值的东西。我在决定放弃那个职务以前,就对于在贵公司我会得到什么和我会失去什么之类的问题做过全面的分析。您知道,对我来讲, 深圳从来都是一个迷人的地方,既充满了希望,又充满了挑战。另外,我具备当好出口部经理助理的专业知识和必要的经历。当然,有机会出国工作和较高工资对我也很重要。所以,我相信来此工作是值得的。

A: Mr. Qian, what do you think of working for a female superior?

A:钱先生,对在女上司的手下工作,你怎么 看?

B: I made the acquaintance of several successful women in my previous job. My respect for their intelligence is only equaled by my admiration for their affability, carefulness and industrious-ness. I feel it equally good to work for a female superior.


Mary: Good morning, this is Mary.

玛丽 :早上好,我是玛丽。

Jane: Good morning, this is Jane. Th is is Apple Co. Ltd.


Mary: Hello, Jane! Is that the Human Resource Department?


Jane: Yes, this is. May I help you?


Mary: I had an interview with your company two weeks ago. I am calling to ask about the interview result. I hope you can give me a positive reply.


Jane: Oh, the results have come out, and I can tell you....Yes, I find your name. You are hired. Congratulations!

简:哦,结果出来了,我可以告诉你… 是的,我找到你的名字了。你被录用了。祝贺你!

Mary: Thank you! I am glad to hear that. When would it be convenient for me to start working?


Jane: Next Monday morning.


Mary: What is the starting salary for me?


Jane: Your starting salary is 2500 yuan a month, and after you become a permanent employee, it will be higher.

简:你的起薪是每月 2500元,转正之后,工资会高点。

Mary: I appreciate the offer. I will come on time next Monday. See you then!


Jane: See you!

简 :再见!

Mary: its ok. It seems we have a lot in common.

S: oh, really. That is great news. What does he look like?

M: he is tall and slim, fair-haired.

S: sounds like he is pretty cute. What do you think of him?

M: he is a nice guy and very considerate. I was impressed with how smart he was and he has a great sense of humor.

S: oh, its love at first sight. When will you see each other again?

M: he didnt say, but he said he would call me.

S: maybe he is busy with his work. Just wait and try not to think about it too much!

M: oh, steve. Stop it! I am a bit nervous! What if he doesnt call?

S: come on, Mary, youre a total catch. I bet he will call you. Dont worry.

M: thank you, Steve. Youre always so encouraging.

S: thats what friends are for.

Harry: yes. It was so crowded. Im worn-out. Lets find our seats.

S: are they window seats or aisle seats?

H: let me see… yes, one window seat and one aisle.

S: ok. But can I trede my seat with you? I prefer the one near the window. Im a terrible flyer. I always get airsick and can never relax until after Ive landed.

H: thats fine. Id like to be on the aisle anyway. Its easier to get in and out.

S: thanks. Where shall we put our luggage?

H: I think the smaller carry-on bag can go in the overhead compartment, and the others can go under the seat.

S: good idea.

H: dont forget to keep the seat belt on.

S: ok. Hope its a pleasant trip.

H: yes!

S: and no hijackers.

H: oh, you have too wild of an imagination.

A: it’s so sad. They had been together for only two months. Do you know what the matter was?

J: Mary said Jack was cheating on her. Jack was seeing a girl from his hometown. One day, Maey saw them holding hands and ended the relationship immediately.

A: really? I’m very surprised. He doesn’t look like a guy who’d ever do that sort of thing, right?

J: do, he doesn’t. Anyway, she found out that he had been two-timing her for a long time.

A: maybe it is for the best. They are not suitable for each other because they have nothing in common and are completely different people.

J: how so?

A: he is an extrovert while she is an introvert. He likes parties while she hates them.

J: poor Mary! She really liked him.

A: anyway, she was right to end things and she deserves better.

B: do you think they’ll get back together?

A: no, I don’t think so. I know Mary. Once she makes a decision, she won’t change her mind.

J: I hope she’ll recover soon.

A: so do I.

K: did you get the position you wanted?

C: yes, Ill be promoted to department manager.

K: Im glad to hear that. Congratulations!

C: thank you. Actually, I could not believe it at first. You know, therere so many outstanding people in our company. Many of them are qualified to fill that position.

K: sure, but you really did great and outperformed the others. You deserved it!

C: thank you very much.

K: you always have unique ideas and youre such a team leader.

C: I appreciate it very much. Youve been doing great. I expect to see you be promoted pretty soon.

K: thats very nice of you to say so. Ill try my best. When will you start at the new position?

C: next week.

K: so by then, youll be in charge of the whole department.

C: absolutely.

N: Im in a good mood today, actually. How about you?

C: to be honest, Im a bit fed up.

N: whats wrong?

C: theres a girl in my company that I really like but I always get shy when she is around.

N: I see! Do you want to ask her out?

C: sure, but how?

N: you can ask her out for drink after work.

C: but for what reasons? She doesnt even know who I am.

N: then youve got a lot of homework to do. You need to get her notice first.

C: easier said than done.

N: you can start by meeting her at the bus stop and saying hello to her.

C: but I always get tongue-tied when I see her.

N: thats something you need to overcome. Men should make the first move as most of girls perfer being chased.

C: I see. Ill try.

N: good luck!

M: I feel sorry for you. Its a jungle out there.

H: Do you know any places?

M: well. I guess I can ask around to see if anyones got a room or apartment available.

H: thank you. I think I should also have a look at the Internet to see if anyones got a sublet.

M: how much do are you looking to spend?

H: I can only afford about 1,000 yuan a month.

M: looks like youll have to get a place in the suburbs.

H: it doesnt matter, but it needs to be close to the subway or on a convenient bus route.

M: anything you need to have in the place?

H: I want a bedroom with full bath, and itll be better if the bedroom is on the sunny side.

M: you can also check out university bulletin boards.

H: why? Will those be students who are leaving?

M: not really, but landlords put up notices to attract students and they often have low rent.

H: thank you. Ill be sure to take a look.

M: good luck.

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