

2019-04-09 12:53


  Which Kind of Accommodation Do you Prefer to Choose?

  In the pictures, I am offered four different types of accommodation for choice.

  Picture One is a dormitory room on the campus and I think this is typical of the traditionalstudents' lodgings. Being shared by eight students, the room is crowded. All there is to see arebeds, double-deck beds. One table stands in the middle with five students sitting around it. There being no space for chairs or benches, they sit on the beds. The rest of them have to stay intheir nests doing their lessons. Luggage and suitcases find their place either under or above thebeds. The room is small and crowded, yet the rent is low, just 20 yuan a month.

  Compared with Picture One, the dormitory room in Picture Four is much better. Since it isshared by four, it looks larger. The space originally for beds is filled with two wardrobes whichinclude all the luggage, books and knick-knacks. Anyway, it is cleaner and bet ter furnished. Although the rent is twice as much as that of Picture One, I think I get my money's worth andit is within my financial capacity.

  As to Picture Two, I like the apartment room very much because it is also on the campus and isbeautifully furnis hed with all the necessary facilities. Of course, I will make a good friend of myroom-mate. However, it's unrealistic for me to rent it, because I have to live on my parentsand my father is a wage-earner and my mother a laid-off worker. It is unimaginable for me tochoose Picture Three. I think it's for sons and daughters of overnight millionaires. It's likeliving on a luxurious isolated island. I can neither stand the cost nor conquer the loneliness.

  All in all, I think the room in Picture Four should be my wise choice.

  My Dormitory Room

  My dormitory room is on the second floor. It is small and crowded. The dark green walls andthe dirty white ceiling make the room seem dark, and thus even smaller than it is. As you walkinto the room, you are stopped short by my bed which fills half of the room. The two largewindows over the bed are hidden by heavy dark gold drapes. Against the wall on your left, pushed into a corner behind the head of the bed, is a large bookcase which is crammed withpapers , books, and knick-knacks, Wedged in between the bookcase and the wall opposite thebed is a small grey metal desk. It has a brown wooden chair which seems to fill the left end ofthe room. Stuffed under the desk is a wooden wastepaper bas ket over — flowing with paperand debris. The wall above the bookcase and desk is completely taken up with two smallposters. On the right hand of the room is a nar row closet with clothes, shoes, hats, tennisracquets, and boxes bulging out of its sliding doors. Everytime I walk out of the door, I think, "Now I know what it is like to live in a closet. "

  How to Make Friends

  A proverb says "One man is not good enough to live alone in the world." Indeed, there aremany things in life which we alone cannot perform. We need f riends' help. Friends are peoplewho willingly and readily help us when we a re in trouble, and show sympathy for us when weare in misery.

  The benefits of friendship a reboundless and sometimes invisible. For example, when we havepassed the graduation examination and are looking for a job, we need experienced andreliable friends to guide us and help us on our way. A good friend is also an adviser, becauseour own points of view towards things may not be always right. Therefore, it is necessary for usto seek advice from friends.

  Of course, we can make friends everywhere. However, I think the best place is school, where weare among a big number of boys and girls our own age, so it is easy to get to know one anotherin a short time. Besides, we can also make friends among the people who work with us in thecommunity.

  In order to make friends, we ourselves must be honest, noble-minded and kind-heart edwhereby to leave a favour able impression on other s since other people observe us the sameway as we do.

  At the same time, we should avoid bad friends, because they always do harm to us, andmoreover, they are dangerous to the people a round. What is even worse, they mar ourfriendship with good friends.

  Indeed, seeking acquaintance with bad friends would be a serious mistake.

  Morning Exercises

  Morning came. The bell rang. I got out of the warm cotton- padded quilt, quickly dressedmyself, ran onto the playground, and played on the parallel bars.

  A few moments later, more people came. They exercised themselves in various ways. Some ranaround the track. Some played on the horizontal bar. Still some played basketball, trying toshoot baskets . A group of girls were walking on the balance beam by turn. A couple ofstrongly-built boys made graceful movements on the flying rings. Over there, several old menand women did shadow-boxing.

  At exactly 6∶30, music came for people to do exercises to radio music. For ten minutes all thepeople on the playground were seen bending down and straightening up, turning left and right. It's really a beautiful sight to look at!

  Advantages of Collecting

  Some small things are collected delibe rately in the home in an attempt to avoid waste. Amongthese I would list string and brown paper, kept by thrifty people when a parcel has beenopened, to save buying these two requisites. However, collecting as a serious hobby is quitedifferent and has many advantages.

  Firstly, it provides relaxation for leisure hours, just as looking at one's treasure is always apleasure. One does not have to go outside for amusement, since the collection is housed athome. Whatever it consists of, stamps, records, pictures, model cars, stuffed birds, toy animals, there is always something to do in connection with it, from finding the right place for the latestaddition to verifying facts in reference books. Consequently, one's knowledge expands.

  Secondly, this hobby educates one not only in the chosen subject, but also in general matterswhich have some bearing on it, for instance, to meet like-minded collectors, to get advice, tocompare notes, to show off the latest find, and so on. In this way, one's circle of friends grows.

  Thirdly, the hobby soon leads to travel, perhaps to a meeting in another town, possibly a tripabroad in search of rare specimen (for collectors are not confined to one country). Over theyears one may well become an authority on one's hobby and will very probably be asked togive informal talks to little gatherings and then, if successful, to larger audience. In so doingself-confidence grows, first from mastering a subject, then from being able to talk about it.

  In conclusion, collecting, by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a personcontented, with no time for boredom.

