
【考研英语词汇】蓦然回首-记住几何 4

雪过橄榄 2006-03-17 16:15
本人情况: 02年大专毕业,工作二年多。四级63分(很遥远的年代pass的···),六级没过,05年考研只将历年真题做了三遍多(因跨专业考,实在时间不多),成绩58分。因总成绩不高而落榜。收拾心情,预备06年再来,现开始准备单词,目标分数75分。

第一阶段:至今年八月份。每天单词至少一个list ,新概念四每天学习(在偶博客里有新概念学习笔记  http://blog.hjenglish.com/xueguo/category/2697.html )。




1    ascend v. 攀登,上升

【记忆链】派 ascending a. 上升的→ascendence  n. 权势,主权→ascension n. 上升→ascendant  n.优势,支配力
                      同   mount  v. 爬上,攀登→ rise  v.上升
                      反   descend   v.下降

作业1    这条路从这里向上就更陡了.

 2     ascertain   v. 查明,弄清,确定

【记忆链】派 certainly 当然,的确    →  certainty  确定,确定的事情→certain   必然的 →ascertainment  探查,发现 → ascertainable  可确定,可发现的
                     反  uncertain    不确知的
                     形似 assert  v.  断言

作业2   警方正设法查个水落石出.          

3    assert   断言,宣称

【记忆链】派 asserted  宣称的    →assertedly  据说  →asserter 断言者
                     同   affirm      断言   →  declare  /pronounce 宣称,分布
                     形似  desert   沙漠   → dessert   正餐后的水果或甜点

作业3   她坚称自己是无辜的.


4   assess   评价,估价

【记忆链】派 assessable  可估价的    →assessor (财产的)估价员
                     形似 asset  n.资产 →possess  v. 占有
作业4    法官评定损害赔偿金为350英镑.


5   assume  假定,设想;以为;假装;装作;呈现;承担

【记忆链】派 assumed    a.  假定的,假装的  →assuming/assumptive  a.傲慢的,不逊的   →assumption    n. 假定
                     同   presume     v.假定
                     反   conclude    下结论
                     形似   consume   消费    →  resume   v. 恢复

作业5    尚未证实他有罪之前,我们必须假定他是清白的.

作业6    他下月承担新任务.


【真题长难句】 On the whole such a conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence, but only if the child can be assumed to have had the same attitude towards the test as the other with whom he is being compared, and only if he was not punished by lack of relevant information which they possessed.

【真题长难句】 During the discussion of rock singing verses at last month's stockholders' meeting, Levin asserted that "music is not the cause of society's ills' and even cited his son, a teacher in the Bronx, New York, who uses rap to communicate with students.

翻译作业1-6. 分析真题长难句,巩固单词用法.


1    aside   在旁边
       短语:    aside from  除....意外
       Eg:   Aside from a few words, I don't know any French at all.

2   ashamed    (of) 羞耻,惭愧,害臊
       短语      be ashamed of oneself for   害羞,为...害羞
    Eg:     I behaved  badly yesterday and I am ashamed of myself for that now.
                     feel ashamed for ab.  为某人感到羞愧
     Eg:    I  feel ashamed for you when you ask for money from your parents.

3  assemble   集合,集中;装配,组装
     Eg:   The whole school was assembled in the main hall.

4  assist    帮助,援助,协助
     Eg:    The head teacher's deputy assists with many of his duties.

5   assistant   助手,助教//   辅助的,助理的
