
Lady Gaga成名启示录

2010-02-12 09:14
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Pay attention to that woman opening the Grammys.
在格莱美的颁奖典礼上,Lady Gaga和埃尔顿•约翰(Elton John)同用一架钢琴表演了合唱。她得到了包括年度最佳专辑在内的五项格莱美提名,不过这和她在短短一年间对音乐文化产生的更为广泛的影响──这种影响可以说是震撼性的──相比显得并不那么重要。
At Sunday's awards show, Lady Gaga is expected to play a duet on a single piano with Elton John. She is nominated for five awards, including record of the year, but that's less important than her broader impact on music culture in the space of a year, which has been seismic.
Her debut album has generated four No. 1 songs. She topped the digital sales chart for 2009 with 15.3 million tracks sold. Her dance hits, including 'Poker Face' and 'Paparazzi,' recalibrated the sound of pop radio with a spacey Euro vibe that's crept into songs by rock and rap artists. She grabbed attention beyond the music world with outfits that make her look like a refugee from a sci-fi film. In concert, on video and at past awards shows she has sported full facial masks, worn planetary rings around her head, and framed her face in what looked like a bird's nest.
'She's very vaudevillian,' says an admiring Alice Cooper, the rocker whose history of stage theatrics includes simulated decapitations. But he says Gaga's antics only work because 'she can really sing.'