

Ideo 2009-10-21 17:19
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Good morning, I’m Melissa Long here at the CNN center in Atlanta, with a look at some of those stories happening now in the news.

CNN’s learned that presidential runoff between Afghan president Hamid Kazai and his main challenger Abdullah Abdullah will take place on 7th, November. The runoff  was accepted today by Kazai’s news conference, senator John Kelly and the rep from the Untied Nations.

The lawyer for a Colorado father accused of carrying a bizarre hoax involving his son in a huge balloon says officials charges in the case could be filed next week. Authority accounced that Richard Heenes and his wife Mayumi face several felony charges.

A major mess up adds to a Louisana family’s grief. A woman says her mother’s body went to the wrong funeral home, she was shock to find a much older woman’s body in a casket, to make matters worse, the other family mistakenly cremated her mum, the family said someone failed to look at the paperwork, and plans to sue the mort and the funeral homes.

Hawaii’s budget crunches giving school children some reasons to smile, public school is gonna be closed most Friday for the remainder of the academic year, under a new, renew contract of the teachers, and cuts 17 days from the calendar and gives Hawaii, the nation’s shortest school year. Educators’re concerned it’s just not enough time for kids to learn. Hawaii already ranks near the bottom nationally in academic achievement.

Some people may be getting tired of shopping on the cheap. There are some handsome Christmas shopping may not quite so gloomy. TJ Max and Marssle Racist, they said things may be a little better than they predicted. So didn’t tell which makes chips from many gadgets better big seller around the holidays.

And you are up to date, those are the headlines this hour, do stay with CNN and for more on these stories and other news that develops today.

