
“金牙大盗”出没西雅图 专门打劫牙医诊所

Ideo 2009-10-16 18:29
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 Good morning, from the CNN center here in Atalanta, I am Melissa Long,  it is a Thursday morning, it is the 15th of October , here's a look at some of the stories making news this morning.
Now that the Senate Finance Committee has approved its massive healthcare overhaul bill, the sniping has started. Republicans are ripping it, calling it too expensive; Democrats say that GOP is just getting in the way of important reform. The Democrats are even threatening retaliation against the insurance industry after insurance group report attached the bill at the eleventh hour.
Kids ten and under may need 2 H1NI shots to be fully protected, that is from the maker of the vaccine. A federal health official says this backs up their testing. What you are seeing in the video right now, children getting the nasal spray version . The manufacturer tested the vaccine on almost 500 kids, says adults only need one shot.
A California police officer and two other hikers have disappeared in the Mountains near Frazno and now there's heavy rain and snow. The families, understandably very nervous; the weather so bad that searchers can’t fly and it is a huge research area with rugged peaks and canyons. They were on a six-day hike in King's Canyon National Park. And when they didn’t return, the families called police.

There's been a show on gold teen appears to be hot with thieves. Police in Seattle say buglers have raided more than thirty dental and medical officers since last month. they took the drugs too. And one of these ten thousand dollars worth of gold disappeared. High gold prices, may be one reason.

Those are the headlines for you this hour. Just stay with CNN and for more on these stories and other news that develops today.
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