

2009-10-15 19:19
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Good morning, from the CNN center here in Atlanta, I’m Melissa Long, it is Wednesday, the 14th of October, here’s a look at some of the stories making news this morning.

Britain is committing more troops to Afghanistan. Prime Minister Gorden Brown announced this morning that he is gonna be sending another 500 troops to join the international force already there. Britain has already 9,000 troops in Afghanistan, this is the second largest commitment behind the United States.

Leave the cold war in the past, that’s the message from Secretary of State Hilary Clinton cleared in Moscow. Secretaty Clinton’s wrapping up 5-nation tour in Russia today, during her speech in Moscow state university, she said that some of the US and Russian still don’t trust each other. She argued for cooperation and issued like missle defense.

The self-help experts of the center of the Arizona’s sweat lodge death is now speaking out. James Arthur Ray says he doesn’t really know how to handle the tragedy. But he’s hired investigators to look into the accident. 2 people died when they were overcome by the heat, several others were hospitalized.

A painting purchased for 20,000 dollars at an art auction a couple years ago may be a undiscovered work by Leonardo Da Vinci. A French expert says the fingerprint on the painting may prove that it’s the first major work from Da Vinci discover about a century. If it is , that 20,000 dollars purchase could be worth 150 million dollars.

Doubting into the final days as Anna Nicole Smith, a hearing resumed in Los Angeles today, this woman turned in her boyfriend how Case Stern, and 2 doctors are accused of illegally conspiring to provide her with controlled substances. The three have pled no guilty, the judge would decide whether this evidence to send Case to trial .

You are up to date. Those are the headlines, do stay with us here in CNN and .

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