

Ideo 2009-10-11 18:47
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Now President Obama has another meeting this coming week on a developing strategic for Afghanistan. He met for three hours yesterday in White House with top advisors. President says he wants to indentify objectives in Afghanistan before he decides whether to commit more troops. Commanding general in Afghanistan wants as many as forty thousand troops soon.

Well, gunmen attacked Pakistani Army Headquarters’ checkpoint in Rawalpindi today. Four gunmen, six army guards, all killed. Two gunmen escaped. A military official says Taliban are claiming responsibility for that attack. It was the third major attack this week. A suicide car bomber killed at least forty-nine people yesterday in *.On Monday five workers were killed in an attack at a UN Food Program office in Islamabad.

Well, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on a six-day trip to Europe, including a stop in Russia. Today she will attend a signing ceremony normalizing relation with Turkey and Armenia. And the central piece of this trip, will be her visit to Moscow where she will discuss nuclear disarmament.

Authorities question two more men about the alleged terror plot involving an Afghan national. Twenty-four year-old Najibullah Zazi ,he is accused of conspiring the use weapons of mass destruction. Remember him? New York. Well CNN has learned that police searched the apartment of a Bosnian immigrant in Queens, New York. Investigators also questioned taxi drivers living in that same apartment about this alleged plot.

Many Americans say they are not sure about that H1N1, you know, swine vaccine.
Yes, swine flu vaccine.

Despite the fact that Health officials say it’s safe, check out this recent Harvard study.
Yeah, so although we‘ve seen long line for the vaccine at health clinics this week, here the numbers for you. Forty percent of adults say they are not absolutely sure that they will get it. About half of the parents surveyed say they don’t know if they are gonna give the vaccine to their children.

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