

月宁风轻淡苍穹 2009-09-22 12:05
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Good morning, I'm Melissa Long here at the CNN center in Atlanta. It's Monday, September 21th, here's a look at some of the stories happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

Three men accused of lying about possible terror plot are in the courtroom today. Nazibullah Zazi and his father will go up before judge in Denver, a third suspect will be before judge in New York. Agents believe they may have been planning to attack a major transportation haven, two sources say Zazi had video in New York's grand center terminal.

A warning from the US general in command of forces in Afghanistan more troops are needed with them the next year. Oil war there will likely result in failure. That's a report from a document attained by the Washington Post, comes as the president Obama's reviewing strategy in the war-torn country. US has about 62,000 troops in Afghanistan.

New jobs acquire new ideas. That's our expecting. President Obama to say the speech about innovation and economy at a New York community college. The speech kicks off his busy week when the President will be both at the United Nations and G20 summit later this week. Tonight he will be the first sitting president to go on the late show with David Letterman.

Non-stop rain in the southeast is washing people out of their homes, stranding drivers in the main areas and keeping kids from going to school. That car there, wonder up in water over its wheel, just west of the Carelina, gets some reports of one man maybe swept away and drown.It 's also well in Tennessee.

A judge in Hawii has sentenced a man to stop smoking. The man pleaded no contest to starting a restaurant fire with a cigrette he flipped. The judge told him no smoking for a year. The judge says it helps him quit, it led ten to fifteen years to his life. The 19-year-old also has to do community service and pay a fine.

Those are the headlines for you this hour. Do stay with CNN, as well for more on those stories and your other news that develop today.

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