

月宁风轻淡苍穹 2009-08-19 10:19
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    新华社台北8月18日电 据台湾灾害应变中心最新统计,截至18日8时30分,不包括高雄县桃源乡新开部落、甲仙乡小林村在内,台风“莫拉克”共造成全台127人死亡、307人失踪、45人受伤。




Hello to you all, I'm T. J Holmes. Yes, good morning everybody! I'm Betty Nguyen. Thanks so much for joining us. Alright, Let's get you our top stories right now.

John Yettaw, an American sentenced to seven years with hard labor in Myanmar, he is arriving right there, as you see it, in Bangkok. He had been arrested for going to the home of a pro-democracy leader Aung Sun Suu kyi, who is under house arrest. Now, Virginia Senator Jim Webb negotiated his release from a Myanmar jail and it is the first time in more than a decade that a member of Congress has visited Myanmar.

Wanna get you this news as well. A 7. 0 magnitude earthquake has struck off the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra Island. Now there is no word yet on any possible damages or injuries and no immediate tsunami warning. So we are watching very closely at that part of the world for you. We'll bring you developments.

Also keeping an eye on a couple of tropical storms. You see the big guy and the little lady in this picture. Essentially, they are turning in the Atlantic. Tropical storm Ana, she is headed towards the Virgin Islands, that's the one alone on the left of your screen. You could see a little formation, a little spinning going on there. Our Reynolds Wolf tells us Bill which is one, the big boy in the back there, tells us he has the potential to possibly become a Category three hurricane and already some warnings and watches have been posted for some parts of Florida.

Also President Obama and his family visiting the Grand Canyon today. Last night, he held another town hall meeting in Colorado where he went after critics of his health care goals. He called some of the nuts against his reform plan, and I quote here "dishonest".

Take it to Taiwan now. Some much needed international aid arriving in villages just cut off by mudslides and flooding. Typhoon Morakot battered the island last week, triggering the worst weather disaster there in 50 years. That storm is blamed for killing at least 120 people. But thousands of survivors, they are temporarily in shelters at this moment and many of them still in villages and they are trying to be rescued by volunteers. So we are on top of that story as well.

And this, about 2000 firefighters are on the scene of this blaze in Santa Cruz, California. It is one of 11 wildfires burning right now out west. The Lockheed fire has burned nearly 7000 acres since Wednesday, and forced nearly 3000 people to evacuate. It's now about 30% contained.

house arrest: 软禁
Reynolds Wolf: CNN meteorologist
Lockheed fire: nickname for wildfire


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