
英文歌曲天天唱:The Best Damn Thing

沪江英语 2015-08-29 06:00
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The Best Damn Thing是加拿大著名摇滚歌手Avril Lavigne 的第三张录音室专辑。这张专辑与她原来的专辑相比曲风更加积极,于2007年4月17日在美国和加拿大上市。 今天要唱的是专辑同名主打歌。

Let me hear you say hey hey hey
Hey hey hey
Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho
Hey hey ho

I hate it when a guy doesn't get the door
Even though I told him yesterday and the day before
I hate it when a guy doesn't get the tab
And I have to pull my money out and that looks bad

Where are the hopes? Where are the dreams?
My Cinderella story scene?
When do you think they'll finally see?

That you're not, not, not gonna get any better
You won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of me, never
Like it or not even though she's a lot like me
We're not the same

And yeah, yeah, yeah I'm a lot to handle
You don't know trouble, I'm a hell of a scandal
Me, I'm a scene, I'm a drama queen
I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen




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