
美军神枪手突袭海盗 美国船长成功获救

月宁风轻淡苍穹 2009-04-22 22:10
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Good morning. From the CNN center here in Atlanta, I'm Melissa Long. It's Friday, April 17th. TGIF. Here's a look at some of the stories making news this hour.

Five days after being rescued at sea, a hero's welcome will greet abducted Captain Richard Phillips today in his hometown. He is on his way back to Underhill, Vermont from Kenya. Phillips was rescued on Sunday from Somali pirates in a daring Navy Seal sniper operation. The welcome home signs and the balloons and the yellow ribbons are already up at Vermont.

Cuba President Raul Castro says his government is prepared to meet with the Obama Administration. His announcement comes the very same week that President Obama lifted restrictions on Cuba-Americans' visiting with their relatives in Cuba.

The White House has released Gorge W. Bush Administration memos detailing interrogation tactics used on terror suspects after 9-11. Critics say the tactics amounted to torture. President Obama says CIA operatives who used the interrogation methods won't be prosecuted.

Today President Obama travels to Trinidad and Tobago for the Summit of the Americans. The chief topic--global economic crisis. But some of the participants will also be talking about jobs and trade.

The motive behind a deadly hospital shooting is still a mystery today. It happened on Thursday at Memorial Medical Center in Long Beach, California. Witnesses say Mario Ramirez killed two of his co-workers and then turned the gun on himself.

Those are the headlines here up to date. Do stay with CNN and for more on these stories and other news that develops today.

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