

@贺小米要养龙猫 2014-12-05 10:04
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Australian actress Claire Holt made a name for herself when she joined "The Vampire Diaries" in 2011 as Rebekah. When "The Originals" spinoff sent the Mikaelsons to New Orleans, Holt transitioned to the new show as a series regular.
澳大利亚女演员Claire Holt因为2011年加入《吸血鬼日记》扮演Rebekah而被大家所熟知。在加入《吸血鬼日记》衍生剧《初代吸血鬼》之后,Holt成为剧集常规演员。

However, halfway through "The Originals" Season 1, she announced that she would be taking a break from the series, wishing to return to Australia and spend some time with her family.

Holt is currently back on "The Originals," but she's unlikely to rejoin the show on a permanent basis, as she's beginning to line up new projects. The actress has already been cast in a new series: "Aquarius," a 1960s crime drama which is set to premiere on NBC in 2015.

And according to The Wrap, Holt is also in the running to play Supergirl in the much-anticipated CBS drama. Television is jumping on the superhero bandwagon, and "Supergirl" will be the first comic book adaptation series with a female lead.
据The Wrap报道,Holt正在努力为CBS超级英雄主题新剧《女超人》而努力。电视台正在准备制作这部根据根据漫画改编的剧集,而且首次是女人当超级英雄的女主角。
