
Lady Gaga 联手 Tony Bennett 《But Beautiful》录音室版

沪江英乐 2014-10-15 00:20
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沪江英乐:返璞归真的 Lady Gaga 联手爵士大师 Tony Bennett 首播单曲《But Beautiful》录音室版MV,沉浸在演唱当中的Gaga用情颇深,眼泛泪光的一幕几乎让人忘了她有过的高调。以前可能想以那样的方式让大家认识到她,又也许是她的一种展现艺术的形式,而现在的她被人熟知,她并不是因奇特夸张的造型才被人们所追捧,她是一个无与伦比有实力的人,很喜欢她。

Lady Gaga 联手 Tony Bennett 首播单曲《But Beautiful》录音室版


Love is funny, or it's sad
Or it's quiet, or it's mad
It's a good thing or it's bad
But beautiful

Beautiful to take a chance
And if you fall, you fall
And I'm thinking
I wouldn't mind at all

Love is tearful or it's gay
It's a problem or it's play
It's a heartache either way
But beautiful

And I'm thinking if you were mine
I'd never let you go
And that would be
But beautiful I know

But beautiful
And I'm thinking if you were mine
I'd never let you go
And that would be
But beautiful I know
