
新视野大学英语1读写教程教案unit 1 Learning a Foreign Language

2014-02-07 17:16
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Book One Unit One


Students will be able to:

1. grasp the main idea and the structure of the text ;

2. understand the devices developing the paraphrases;

3. master the key words and phrases and sentence patterns in the text;

4. conduct a serious of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.

Time Span: 4 Periods(Two for Section A and Two for Review of Section A ,Reading Skills and Section B)

Section A Learning a Foreign Language

Teaching Precedures:

I. Pre-reading Activities: Listen, Look & Say

1. Questions & Answers(Oral Practice)

1).What problems do you have in trying to learn English in your middle school?

(Like most students of my age, I had to be faced with many problems in learning English, such as pronunciation, grammar rules, and cultural background. And the most frustrating one was how to memorize a large body of new words. As far as the college life is concerned now, however, my big trouble with English learning is that my class is very large and I have few chances to practice my spoken English in class.)

2).Do you think the computer can help you in learning English? Why or why not?

(Because the computer, once networked, allows us more access to the outside world. I have found the computer course, though as difficult as regular classroom study, very suitable for me. For one thing, I have more freedom to set the pace of study for myself. For another, I could select the material to my taste or based on my English level. And best of all, I have more chances to exchange ideas with native speakers, without much worry about making mistakes.)

3). What other things do you think we can gain through English language learning?

(As a most rewarding experience of mine, learning English can bring me a lot of benefits. To begin with, it can teach me the value of practice. The more practice I do in listening, speaking, reading and writing, the more progress I make in English. Besides, it can give me insights into other cultures, keeping my mind open to new ways of thinking. And above all, it can help me communicate with many more people than before. Now talking with people in English is one of my favorite activities.)

2. Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows:(Episode clipped from The Sound of Music)

1). What insight can we get from the video?

(The same holds true for our English learning. For example, when you come across in reading such phrases as “far from perfect”, “hunger for knowledge” and “put yourself in others’ shoes”, you may find nothing special in them. But when they are linked to the Chinese expressions “远不尽人意”, “求知欲” and “设身处地为人家想想” , with which you are familiar, they are now well worth your attention. To sum up, the better combination there is of the unfamiliar and the familiar in your study, the greater interest you will take in the course.)

2). What new light does the video throw on our English study?

(So the best course open to us now is to apply what we have learned from books to what we are familiar or concerned with in our daily life. For instance, we are going to learn the sentence “ Now that I speak a foreign language, instead of staring into space when English is being spoken, I can participate and make friends”. We can use the pattern to express what is on our minds, such as “Now that the new college life is here to challenge us, instead of staying only in our dreams, all we can do is to face it cheerfully”. In short, where there is a better application of your knowledge to your life there is more progress. )

3.Spot Dictation(Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks)

Online learning, a form of ________ education, _____ to learning and other supportive resources that are _________ through a networked computer. With the development of the Internet, online learning often takes place on the Internet. In an online lesson, the computer _______ material in ________ to a learner’s _______. The computer asks the learner ___ more information and _________ appropriate material _____ on the learner’s input. The material can be as simple as ___________ lessons and their tests that are transcribed into a computer program.

(distance, refers ,available ,displays, response, request, for, presents, based, traditional)

II .Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It

1.What is the main idea of the text ?

(Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.)

Part I:( Para 1)Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.

Part II (Para.2-4):My different experiences with the regular course in junior and senior middle schools and at college

Part III (Para.5-7)My experiences with the online course helped me reap the benefits of hard work.

2.Devices for developing the main idea

1).演绎法(Deduction Organization) (from ‘general’ to ‘specific’)

General statement (Topic):

Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.

Specific statements:

A. My experience in junior middle school (Para. 2):

(a kind and patient teacher who praised all of the students … positive method…eagerly answered questions, at the top of my class)

B .My experience in senior middle school (Para. 3):

(an impatient teacher…punished those who made mistakes…shaking it up and down…shouted…lose my eagerness / desire to say anything in English)

C.My experience at college(Para. 4):

(far from perfect…very large class and better students… feel intimidated… afraid to speak…at the same level forever)

D.My experience with the online course (Para. 5-7):

(require commitment and discipline …virtual classroom…practice all the time…cry with frustration…feel like giving up…reaped the benefits of hard work)

E.Conclusion (Para. 8):

( a most trying experience, but one that I would not trade for anything…teach me the value of hard work…give me insights into another culture…my mind …opened to new ways of seeing things…the most wonderful result of having learned a foreign language …communicate with many more people than before…one of my favorite activities…bridge the gap between my culture and theirs)

2).时空顺序法(Sequence of Time and Space)

Typical Sentences:

A .My experience with a foreign language began in junior middle school.(Para. 2) B. When I went to senior middle school. (Para.3)

C. However, that state didn’t last long. When I went to college. (Para. 4)

D .That was the situation until a couple of years later, when ...participated in the virtual classroom. (Para. 5)

E. ... had finally reaped the benefits of all that hard work. (Para. 7)

3).对比法(Comparison and Contrast)

The comparison and contrast is centered around “the most difficult” and “the most rewarding”.

The group of “difficult”:

frustrating, punish, shout, lose my eagerness / desire to say anything in English, very large, far from perfect, feel intimidated, afraid to speak, (my English)stay at the same level, cry with frustration, feel like giving up

The group of “rewarding”:

well worth the effort, at the top of my class, eager to study, understand about everything, reap the benefits of all that hard work, teach me the value of hard work, give me insights into another culture, able to bridge the gap between cultures.

III.Key expressions & patterns


1.很值得去努力to be well worth the effort (L. 3)

---Not everything in life is well worth our risk.

2.在班里名列前茅to be at the top of the class (L. 7)

---On the list of good policies in social contact, honesty should be at the top.

3.失去说英语的欲望to lose my desire / eagerness to say anything in English (L.14)

---As a result of her dishonesty, I lost my desire to form further friendship with her.

4.远不尽人意to be far from perfect (L. 19)

---Although our environment is still far from perfect, we haven’t lost the desire to change it for the better.

5.永远停滞不前to stay at the same level forever (L. 26)

---Sometimes our English learning seems to stay at the same level forever, but, in fact, this is not necessarily the case.

6.接触到必要的设备to get access to the necessary equipment (L. 30)

---Through online learning we get access to many new patterns of thinking.

7.跟上课程进度. to keep up with the flow of the course (L. 33)

---To keep up with the flow of world trade, China decided to join WTO.

8. 满足课程最低限度的要求to meet the minimum standards set by the course

(L. 34)

---It also requires commitment and discipline to meet the minimum standards set by the university

9.因挫折而哭泣to cry with frustration (L. 37)


(It often happens that while some jump with victory, others sigh with def)

10.想放弃to feel like giving up (L. 37)

---Unlike Zheng Peimin, some officials only feel like enjoying pleasures as much as possible.

11.尝到刻苦学习的甜头to reap the benefits of hard work (L. 42)

---Online chatting made it possible for me to reap the benefits of English learning.

12.拿什么都不换not to trade(exchange / give) sth for anything (L. 45)


(What impressed us most in that disaster was their readiness to give their lives for the public health.)

13.使我懂得了刻苦努力的价值to teach me the value of hard work (L. 45)

---Much personal contact with him taught me the value of true friendship.

14.使我认识了另一种文化to give me insights into another culture (L. 46)


(Good reading has given me insights into what good taste means.)

15.使我从心里乐于接受新的看待事物的方式to keep my mind open to new ways of seeing things (L. 46)


(As long as we keep our minds open to anything helpful to social progress, our nation will be filled with hope.)

16.弥合不同文化之间的鸿沟to bridge the gap between different cultures

(L. 52)


(The couple tried to bridge the gap between their emotions, but without any success.)

Patterns for you to use as models

1.Typical patterns for cause and effect

1).Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes. (L. 6)



Because of…, sb adv. does sth / is + adj. to do sth, never worrying / caring much about…由于……, 某人很……做某事,从不怎么担心….

adj.(adv.): eager(ly), anxious(ly), likely, free(ly), content(ly), etc.


A.由于她强烈的物质享受欲望, 她急于进行权钱交易,根本不顾及对更大利益的破坏。

---Because of her strong desire for material wealth, she was eager to trade her power for money, never worrying about any damage to larger interests.

B.由于他对网上冲浪的兴趣过浓, 他很有可能 一门心思上网,而不会关心自己的功课。

---Because of his undue interest in online surfing, he is likely to put all his mind on this business, never caring about his school work.

2).Now that I speak a foreign language, instead of staring into space when English is being spoken, I can participate and make friends. (L.50)


Now that sb. does / has done sth., instead of …, he / she can /should do sth. else. 由于/ 既然某人做某事,而不再……, 他/她就能做另一事。


---Now that we have taken the online course, instead of feeling embarrassed when making mistakes in the regular class, we should reap some benefits from it.


---Now that you can keep your mind open to new ways of thinking, instead of turning a blind eye to them, you stand a good chance to keep up with the flow of the times.

2. Typical patterns for comparison & contrast


---While my former teacher had been patient with all the students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. (L. 9)


While sth / sb is / does…, sth / sb else is / does… : 某事 /某人……, 而另一事 / 另一人……


---When things go wrong, some work hard to find a way out while others totally lose the desire to think out any solution to the problem.


---In social contacts, some show a total commitment to their promises while some often back away from theirs.

2). Unlike my senior middle school teacher, my college English teachers were patient and kind, and none of them carried long, pointed sticks! (L.16)

(与高中老师不同, 我的大学英语老师非常耐心和蔼, 他们没有哪个带教鞭.)


Unlike sb. / sth. else(that…), sb. / sth. is / does…不像另一人/物(……)那样(与另一人/物不同),某人/物……

A.不像一些贪官高高在上那样, 周恩来生前和人民群众建立了难以忘怀的友谊,从而将永远活在人民的心中。

---Unlike some corrupt officials who set themselves above the masses, Zhou En-lai formed unforgettable friendships with the people during his lifetime, thus living forever in their memory.


---Unlike the girl I came across in the senior middle school, she is very self-important, never looking me in the eye.

3.Typical patterns for induction


---Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me, but one that I wouldn’t trade for anything. (L. 44)


Doing sth. Is a most + adj. experience for sb., but one that he / she would not trade / give / exchange for anything.

A.---Seeking after happiness has been a most painstaking experience, but one that I would not trade for anything.


B.被别人歧视对我来说是非常难以忍受的经历, 但却是一种我拿什么都不换的经历。

(---Being looked down upon was a most intolerable experience, but one that I would not exchange for anything. )


---The most wonderful result of having learned a foreign language was that I could communicate with many more people than before. (L. 47)


The most wonderful result of having done sth. / doing sth. is that…(从句) wonderful: exciting, satisfactory, striking, surprising, amazing, shocking, positive, etc. 做某事最令人兴奋的收获/结果是……

A.在一些大学生看来, 上大学最令人兴奋的收获是他们学会了如何过一种罗曼蒂克式的生活。

---For some students, the most amazing result of having come to college is that they have learned how to lead a romantic life.


---The most unbelievable result of having started the war was that the starter himself turned out to be the underdog.


---The most exciting result of chatting online is that I can share joy and happiness with many people.

4. Summary

Learning a foreign language is one of the most frustrating yet most ____________ experiences for me. My experience _____ English began in _______ middle school. Because of a patient teacher and his _______ method, I was _____ to study English and stayed at the ____ of my class. While in ______ middle school, however, the __________ of my teacher totally drained me of the __________ to say anything ___ English. That state lasted _____ I went to college, where unlike the problem I came ______ in the senior middle school, my class was very large and some students spoke better than I did. So, once ______, although for different _______, I was _______ to speak and felt that my English would _____ at the same level forever.

Only when I took the _______ course and participated in the _______ classroom study did I come to reap the _______ from English learning. To begin with, such an experience taught me the _____ of hard work. Besides, it gave me _______ into another culture, thus keeping my mind _____ to new ways of seeing things. And best of all, it enabled me to make an _________ of ideas across cultures.

(rewarding ,with, junior, positive eager, top, senior, impatience, eagerness, in, until, cross, again ,reasons, afraid, stay, online, virtual, benefits, value, insights, open, exchange,)

5. Paragraph Writing

Doing Sth.—My Most Rewarding Experience(理由陈述)


Topic Sentence 1) As one of my most rewarding experiences, doing something has

brought a lot of benefits to my life.

Detail 1 2) For one thing, …(理由I) 3)Unlike…, it offers me much freedom to…

Detail 2 4) For another…(理由II) 5)Through…, I have more chances to…

Detail 3 6) And the most amazing result of doing so is that…(理由III) 7)Now I tend to …Conclusion:8) In sum,there is not anything in …(my life)that is more beneficial than doing sth.


Chatting Online —My Most Rewarding Experience

Reference model:

1) As one of my most rewarding experiences, chatting online has brought a lot of benefits to my life. 2) For one thing, it helps me avoid nervousness and embarrassment I used to feel in regular talks. 3) Unlike the face-to-face conversation, it offers me much freedom in time to think out my ideas and prepare them well before posting them on the screen. 4) For another, it adds no little to the improvement of my English. 5) Through online chatting, I have more chances to speak with native speakers, thus bathing myself in the sea of genuine English. 6) The most valuable result of chatting online is that it gives me insights into other cultures and keeps my mind open to better ways of seeing things. 7) Now I tend to see things from a more objective perspective. 8) In short, there is not anything in my free time that is more beneficial than chatting online.


1).Review Section A

2).Finish all the exercises after Section A

3).Get ready for Section B

Section B Keys to Successful Online Learning

I. Review of Section A

1. Questions and answers about the exercises after Section A

2. Diction of the key expressions and sentence patterns

II.A Brief Introduction of Reading Skill: Finding out word meanings

III. Section B

1. Comprehension of the text(on page 19-20)

2. key words and expressions:

1).play a role / part: have a position or job in…在 …… 扮演角色,起作用

---The doctors and nurses played a vital role in controlling the spread of SARS.

2).community: a group of people living together and / or united by shared interests 社区,社团;共有;群生


the academic community 学术界 the black community 黑人社区

the European Defense Community 欧洲防务共同体

community of tastes / interests 趣味/利益的一致


Family members:

commune v.交流;交谈 communicate v.传送;联络;通讯

communication n.通讯;交通 communionn.沟通;共有; 交往

communism n. 共产主义 communist n. 共产主义者

immune adj. 免疫的;免除的 immunity n. 免疫性

immunize v. 使免疫

3).expand: v. (cause to) grow larger (使)扩大/扩张/扩展


---Metals expand with heat and contract with cold


---He expanded his short story into a novel.


--- She expands her knowledge through extensive reading.

4).to become / be aware of: having knowledge or understanding of 意识到

(to become / be conscious of; to be awake to; sense; have a feeling that 意识到…)

要不了多久, 人们就会意识到不良的生活习惯对其健康的危害.

---It can not be long before people become aware of the danger of bad living habits to their health.

5).unique: a. unusual; being the only one of itself 独一无二的

wording building:

uni-: one

uniform adj. /n. /v. 相同的/制服/使一致

union n. 联合;结合;合并;一致;工会

unit n. 单位;单元

unite v. 联合;结合;合并;兼备

unity n. 单一性;统一体;联合;和谐

universal a. 一般的;通用的;宇宙的

6).The following list discusses some ideal qualities of successful online students.: In the following list we discuss some necessary and perfect qualities of successful students.


A.Much evidence finds that good living habits play a role in immunizing one against SARS.

B.The last 20 years have witnessed great changes in our society.

7).to be open-minded about: keep one’s mind open to 从心里乐于接受,对…思想开放的


---We are open-minded about any good suggestion associated with the educational reform.

8).forum: meeting place 论坛; cf: seminar 专题讨论节目


---They are holding a forum on the new approaches to teaching and learning English


9).visual: a. gained by or connected with seeing 视觉的


visual defect / impression / nerve / test /navigation / education 视力缺陷/视觉印象/视觉神经/视力测试/目视导航/直观教育

---The visual knowledge of a place of battle helps a general to plan his attack.

10).barrier: something that prevents you from entering a place or going where you want to go; obstacle; obstruction 障碍


break down / remove a barrier 消除障碍

build / erect/ set up /put up a barrier 设置障碍

constitute / form a barrier (to)构成障碍

overcome a barrier 克服障碍


---Lack of self-confidence is one of the biggest barriers to your success in careers


---This medicine acts as a barrier to the airborne infection of SARS.

11).hinder: prevent sb. from doing sth.; prevent sth. from happening 妨碍

--- I’m sorry that some business hindered my answering your letter in time.

---The differences in politics between the two countries should not hinder them from trading with each other.

12).in addition: besides; moreover; furthermore; likewise; also; what’s more 此外,另外

---My love for you can be stated from two perspectives. First of all, you have a heart so kind that everyone’s sorrow could find an echo in it. In addition, you show a strong interest in whatever is around you, which is bound to keep our future life full of warmth and hope.

13).reflect on / upon: think deeply about; ponder; meditate on / upon; contemplate; turn over; weigh up 考虑,认真思考

---The difference between the wise and the foolish lies in the fact that the former, before sleeping each night, reflect on all they have said and done the very day , and then get some insight from the reflection.

14).critical: 1) very important; very serious or dangerous; crucial; decisive 决定性的;严重的

句型It is / was critical that …(should) do…

---It is critical that you (should) keep up with the flow of the online course.

2) finding fault 挑剔

---Don’t be so critical of everyone else.

15).perspective: way of thinking about something 看法;视角;观点


to view sth. from a new perspective 从新的视角看待某事

to lack perspective 缺乏洞察力

to put sth. into perspective 摆正某事的位置

to see things in their right perspective 正确地观察事物

to gain insight from sth. / sb.: 从某事中/某人那里获得见识/顿悟

to gain / have (an) insight into sth.对某一事物有洞察力


---The insight gained from this experience has invested my life with new meaning.

16).speak up: speak out; express sth. freely and frankly 直言不讳;毫无保留地说出


---If you have anything to say about the issue, you’d better speak up / out and not go beating about the bush like that.

17).arise: 1)come into being; appear; crop up出现

2)result from(from / out of) 由..….引起

--- Her state of health began to improve when the cause from which it arose was


---When I was in great difficulties with my language learning, the opportunity for

online learning arose.

18).explicit: clear and fully expressed 清晰的;坦言的

to be explicit about sth. 对某事表达清晰

to be explicit with sth. / sb. 对某人/事很坦然

to be explicit on the point / problem 在这一点/ 问题上态度明确

---Can you be more explicit about your reasons for chatting online?

19).comment: n. / v. opinion about an event or a person 意见;评论;议论 / 注释;评论

to cause / excite / create comment 引起议论

to give /make comment on sth. 对…发表评论

to comment on a text 对正文作注释

to comment on sth. 对某事加以评论

---The government has not made any official comment on this news yet.

20).reinforce: make stronger or firmer; add strength or support to 增强;增援

word building:

force / fort (stem: 力量;强壮)

Family members:

fort / fortress n. 堡垒;要塞 fortify v. 加强;设防

fortitude n. 坚韧;不屈不挠 forcible a. 有力的; 强行的

enforce v. 强行;执行 enforcement n. 强迫;强制;执行

reinforcement n. 增援;加强

21).likely: a. / ad. probable / probably 可能的/可能地

Sb. / Sth. is (more / less than) likely to do sth. 某人/某事(很/不大)可能做某事。

It is / seems likely that …(从句) ……是可能的。As likely as not, sb. does sth.. 某人很可能做某事。

Sb. very / quite likely does sth. 某人很可能做某事。

---SARS is less than likely to break out here.

22).commit: 1) decide to use for a purpose 用于

to commit sth to (doing) sth. 把某物专门用于…

---The government committed the special money to the battle against SARS.

2)do sth. wrong or illegal 犯(罪);干(坏事)

---Taylor is in prison for a crime he did not commit.

3)entrust sth. to sb. 托付于;交给

to commit sth. to sb’s care 把某事托付给某人关照

to commit sth. to the fire 把某物付之一炬

to commit sth. to writing 把某事记下来

to commit sb. to prison 把某人关进监狱

to commit themselves to marriage 缔结姻缘

23).assimilate: v. understand and take in; (cause to) become part of 吸收;同化

to assimilate knowledge / new ideas


to assimilate into a new environment


to assimilate with the local people 被当地人同化

---They assimilated their customs and behavior to the new environment.

24).positive: 1) helpful; leading to a practical action 积极的,肯定的

2) sure; certain; confident 确实的;明确的

---A positive attitude to life will help you to face up to the future shock.

---He seemed absolutely positive about / of what he saw and heard in Baghdad.

25).think through: think carefully and thoroughly about 彻底地全面考虑

--- Before you commit yourself to this contract you should take a couple of hours

to think it through.

---We must think the problem through before taking any action.

26).essential: basic; fundamental; central; underlying ; completely necessary 重要的; 必不可少的

to be essential for doing sth. 是做某事必不可少的

to be essential to / for sth. / sb. 对某物/人是至关重要的

---Concerted efforts are essential for overcoming the disasters like SARS.

27).allow for: take into consideration 考虑到

Cf:allow of 容许 (= permit)

---In treating and curing such patients, you must _____the danger of your being infected.

---The current decisive battle against the disease ______ no negligence of duty on the part of the governments at all levels of our society.

28).on sb’s part (on the part of sb): with regard to sb, in the case of sb就(某人)而言,在……方面

for one’s part 就……来说 / in part 在某种程度上 /for the most part 通常, 在大多数情况下

---The other team blamed their defeat on unfairness ___the referee.

--- The structure of our diet is ________ responsible for the outbreak of SARS.

29). remind of: bring to mind; prompt提醒;使想起

to remind sb. that …(从句)

to remind sb. to do sth.

to remind sb. of sth.

---The story reminds me of a painful romantic experience I had long ago.

3. Doing Exercise after Section B

4. Reading Section C
