

张嵩 2014-05-23 09:45
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时间:4月2日(星期三) 20:00 - 21:00



毕业于北大英语系。曾代表北大参加第五届 21 世纪杯全国英语演讲大赛获得第三名;现为环球雅思培训学校口语主讲教师;著作有《雅思 A 类一本通》、《雅思写作机经大典》;16年的英语教学经验使他成为了国人英式发音的楷模。




①The ultimate definition of British accent
②Questions on better accent
③Learning experience exchange

2.The Duplicate
-The story was all about a simple yet legendary recording...
-Myth had it that the one who duplicated the recording with his/her own voice would be bestowed with the gift of an accent as noble as the one in the recording, and few had won...
-and thus a girl started...
-Things were fine with the duplicate, but God was careful about his gift to humans...
-Truth was burdening... BBC, Gordon, decided, Buckingham, tomorrow,Queen, formal, announcement, which, BBC, dominated, recession.
-a boy, hearing about the girl's failure and with caution in his mind, began his quest...
-miraculously, he made it, and was duly awarded...
-questions were asked about his success...
-he shared this: to better his chances of winning, he visited former winner for help, but in vain...
-when things were bad with his recording, he saw the Fun Giver for help, and again in vain...
-helpless as he was, he came to the realisation: the game was rigged—without a noble accent, he couldn't win, but what was there to win if he had already one?
-but he believed that if someone had beaten the unfair game,he could, too! His toil thus began...
-his hard work moved the Voice Nymph, who offered what was necessary to win...
-after his win, with his "trophy", he started to preach to those who were about to enter the game, because he believed... 

-what's wrong?
-am i the exception?
-you need help!!!
-what have you learned?

At the end of each life cycle, the phoenix made in Arabia a nest of spices, sang a beautiful sad song, flapped its wings to set fire to the nest, and burned itself to ashes. Another phoenix then rose from the ashes with renewed youth and beauty. The long life of the phoenix and its dramatic rebirth from its own shes, made it a symbol of immortality and spiritual rebirth.




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