
独立清新:亲爱的丽莎 Math and Physics Club

2008-12-11 19:45
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Artist:Math and Physics Club
Song:la la la Lisa

It was 1988 at the go-go club
She was selling t-shirts at the punk rock show
I spent half the night with some clever line
Waiting at the back of the key
I lost my nerve and let the next boy through

听完音乐,也要提升自己 o(∩_∩)o

She was playing bass in another band
We were all shaking to the beat oh yeah
With the red guitar sitting low on her hip
It's then I felt the beat of my heart
There's just something about a girl with a base guitar

La la la la la la Lisa la la la la
La la la la la la Lisa

She had the prettiest eyes
Painted black like her lips
I would have died for just one kiss
I had the chance just to hold hands
I knew I would never really did
I heard she only went with older kids

La la la la la la Lisa la la la la
La la la la la la Lisa

There is nobody else
How could they compare?
I don't want any other girl oh yeah
Just Lisa
La la la la la la Lisa la la la la
La la la la la la Lisa
La la la la la la Lisa la la la la
La la la la la la Lisa

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    Math and Physics Club 来自美国西雅图,却具有瑞典清新自然阳光的暖暖气质。2004年的夏天,主唱Charles与吉他手James组建Math and Physics Club ,然后鼓手Kevin加入,在2004年的夏末乐队中唯一的女队员Saundrah和贝斯手Ethan加入乐队,其中女队员Saundrah负责小提琴。所以专辑中时常出现很美妙动人的小提琴的旋律。如今他们已经发现两张EP《Movie Ending Romance》 & 《Weekends Away》和自己的首张专辑《Math and Physics Club》。专辑中,时常听到“ba ba ba ba ... , La La La ..”这些哼唱式的词调,亲切自然,是属于一些私人的家庭派对,不需要很多人拥挤着聆听,减少身体接触,我们依然亲密。

>" height=180 src="http://file.hjfile.cn/music/channel/pic/51st.jpg" width=252 border=0 mce_src="http://file.hjfile.cn/music/channel/pic/51st.jpg">
