

沪江英语 2014-01-16 11:00
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House of Cards is adding a pair of aces to its Season 2 deck.

TVLine has learned exclusively that Mad Men actor Sam Page and Deadwood alum Molly Parker have joined the Netflix drama’s stellar cast.
Details on their characters, as well as the length of their respective stints, are being kept under lock and key.
TVLine 报道的独家新闻声称,《广告狂人》中的 Sam Page 和《死木》中的 Molly Parker 都将成为下一季的主要演员。关于他们所饰演的角色的细节部分,以及每人在剧中的戏份轻重,我们都无从得知。

In addition to his recurring role as Joan’s estranged hubby on Mad Men, Page has appeared on Gossip Girl, Switched at Birth and, more recently, ABC’s short-lived Last Resort. Parker, meanwhile, starred in NBC’s ill-fated adaptation of The Firm.
Page 除了在《广告狂人》中饰演一个常驻角色—Joan 冷漠的丈夫之外,还在《绯闻女孩》、《错位青春》以及最新播出的 ABC 实景短片 《破釜沉舟》中有所表现。而 Parker 则出演了 NBC 的改编版 《糖衣陷阱》。

