
【现代大学英语精读】(第一册)第四课 男孩和银行职员(1/6)

2013-12-12 04:00
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I have a friend who hates banks with a special passion. "A bank is just a store like a candy store or a grocery store, " he says. "The only difference is that a bank' s goods happen to be money, which is yours in the first place. If banks were required to sell wallets and money belts, they might act less like churches." I began thinking about my friend the other day as I walked into a small, overlighted branch office on the West Side. I had come to open a checking account. It was lunchtime and the only officer on duty was a fortyish black man with short, pressed hair, a pencil mustache, and a neatly pressed brown suit. Everything about him suggested a carefully dressed authority. This officer was standing across a small counter from a young white boy who was wearing a V-necked sweater, khakis, and loafers, He had sandy hair, and I think I was especially aware of him because he looked more like a kid from a prep school than a customer in a West Side bank. Hints: 有引号 khakis
我有一位朋友特别讨厌银行。他说:"银行就是个商店,和糖果店或杂货店一样。唯一的区别就是银行的商品恰巧是钱。而这些钱本来就是你的。如果让银行卖钱包和钱夹,它们就不会像教堂那样神圣了。 " 几天前,我走进位于纽约曼哈顿西区的一家支行时,想到了我的那位朋友。这家支行面积不大,灯火辉煌。我来是要开一个活期账户的。 当时正是午餐时间,银行只有一个职员值班。她是个40来岁的黑人,梳着短短的平头,留着一字胡,穿着一身整洁熨烫过的棕色西装。他浑身上下都显示出他是个衣着讲究、有身份地位的人。 这位职员站在一个小柜台的前面,对面是一个白人小男孩,小男孩传则一件V字领的毛衣,一条卡其布裤子和一双平底便鞋。他有一头浅棕色头发。我想我之所以特别注意他,是因为他看起来更像是一个来自预科学校的孩子,而不是西区银行的客户。
相关热点: bec剑桥商务英语