

2008-10-02 01:26

Expression: Je n'y suis pour rien

Meaning: It has nothing to do with me, I had nothing to do with it

Literal translation: I'm not there for anything

Notes: You can use the French expression je n'y suis pour rien to proclaim your innocence in the present or past, and you can also use it with other subjects (both animate and inanimate) - just remember to change je... suis to the correct subject and verb conjugation.


   C'est Henri qui a pris ton CD - je n'y suis pour rien !
   Henri took your CD - I had nothing to do with it!

   Marie est toujours à l'école - elle n'y est pour rien.
   Marie is still at school - she's got nothing to do with this.

   Je ne veux pas y aller avec eux - mon emploi n'y est pour rien.
   I don't want to go with them - my job has nothing to do with it.


相关热点: 法语怎么说 法语口语