
LADY GAGA 亮相 MTV 全球首秀新单

沪江英语 2013-08-27 10:08
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Lady Gaga has officially kicked off the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards in Brooklyn's Barclays Centre in New York with a world exclusive performance of Applause.

Beginning by staring down the lens garbed in a sylised white nun outfit the ARTPOP songstress took fans down memory lane changing her costume throughout the performance including iconic wigs and clothing from her Just Dance and Telephone videos.

Surrounded by dancers in black leotards, Gaga eventually stripped down to the cockle-shell bra and thong mermaid-like look from her Applause video.

沪江娱乐:2013MTV音乐录影带大奖8月25日在纽约布鲁克林新建的巴克莱中心举行,LADY GAGA作为首个表演嘉宾献唱了全新热单《Applause》。从一开始白色的修女装到最后脱到只剩贝壳内衣,百变天后在短短五分钟的表演中换了七套造型,让人惊喜连连。
