

沪江英语 2018-12-08 21:37
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耄耋之年的撒切尔夫人(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)罹患老年痴呆症,时常在幻觉和回忆中切换。她感觉深爱的丈夫一直在身边陪伴,其实后者早已亡故。她作为杂货店的女儿,因为出身贫寒,时常饱受世人的白眼。然而,在聆听了保守党的演讲后,她坚定了自己的政治信仰,并以优异成绩考入牛津大学,虽然在一次议员选举中落败,但是她却收获了真挚的爱情与他相伴,坚定了自己从政的人生道路……选段中,撒切尔夫人漂亮地赢得了战争的胜利,士兵们回家了,经济复苏已经近在眼前了……


Official:President Reagan and President Bellaunde of Peru have some new proposals for the peace plan.

Margaret:The peace plan? There will be no appeasement. This is a war. A war they started and by God, we will finish it. I tell you what I'm going to write to every single one of these families, these heartbroken families? I am going to tell them that no British soldier will die in vain for the Falklands. I am the only Prime Minister in the history of our country who is also a mother with a son of my own, I can imagine your agony, and your grief.

Official:Prime Minister, we have secured the beach head. The Argentinian troops aredemoralized and ill equipped. The paratroops have taken Goose Green.

News:Shortly after dark last night, our forces Port Stanley what the Commander in Chief has called a brilliant surprise night attack.

Denis:Thatcher, bed.

News:From their new positions, our forces can see large numbers of Argentine soldiers retreating and streaming back into Port Stanley. Our forces are moving forward to exploit their success.

Parliment:Well done, MARGARET.

Margaret:We congratulate the men and women of the armed Forces for their skill, bravery and loyalty to this country. We were faced with an act of unprovoked aggression and we responded as we have responded in times past: with unity, strength and courage, sure in the knowledge that though much is sacrificed, in the end, right will prevail over wrong. And I put it to the Honourable Member opposite that this is not a day for him to carp, find fault, demand inquiries, they will happen I can assure him of that for we have nothing to hide, no this is a day to put difference aside, hold one's head high and take pride in being British.

Denis:GOTCHA! Well that paid off old girl! Your ratings soared! From the most hated Prime Minister of all time to the nation's darling. The world was at your feet, and Britain was back in business!

News:The Berlin Wall has fallen. The gates have opened! The police are making no attempt to stop people as they go through.
