

沪江英语 2013-02-12 10:23
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故事开始于蒙特娄,也结束于蒙特娄。一名在找寻灵感的作家(拉菲·斯波 Rafe Spall 饰)无意间得知派·帕帖尔(伊尔凡·可汗 Irrfan Khan 饰)的传奇故事。派的父亲(阿迪勒·侯赛因 Adil Hussain 饰)开了一家动物园。因这样特殊的生活环境,少年派(苏拉·沙玛 Suraj Sharma 饰 )对信仰与人的本性自有一套看法……选段中,Pi的故事讲完了,他的故事的两个版本,令人感慨李安导演思想之深,电影构思之巧妙。


The Writer: So the story is...Both the zebra and the sailor broke their leg. And a hyena killed the zebra and the orang utan. So...The hyena is the cook, the sailor is the zebra, your mother is the orang utan. And you're the tiger.

Pi:  Can I ask you something?

The Writer:  Of course.

Pi:  I told you two stories about what happened out in the ocean. Neither explains what cause the sinking of the ship. And no one can prove which story is true and which is not. In both stories, the ship sinks, my family dies, and I suffer.

The Writer:  True.

Pi:  So which story do you prefer?

The Writer:  The one with the tiger. That's the better story.

Pi:  Thank you. And so it goes with God.

The Writer:  Mamaji was right. It's an amazing story. You really let me write it?

Pi:  Of course. Isn't that why Mamaji sent you here, after all? My wife is here. Do you want to stay for diner? She's an incredible cook!

The Writer:  I didn't know you had a wife.

Pi:  And a cat and and two children.

The Writer:  So your story does have an happy ending.

Pi:  Well...that's up to you. The story is yours now.

The Writer:  Mr. Patel's is an astounding story. Of courage and endurance, unparalleled in the history of shippings. Very few can claim to have survived so long at sea. And none in the company of an adult Bengal tiger.

Ravi: Hi, Dad.

Pi:  Get home. We have a guest, let me introduce you.

Pi's Wife: Hi. Very nice to meet you.

Pi: Adika. Ravi.
