
Lady Gaga自家香水大卖 但被告知需快速减肥

2012-09-26 11:00
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Lady Gaga has reportedly sold six million bottles of her 'Fame' perfume in a week.

The 'Born This Way' singer took to her Twitter  to announce the news to her fans, making her perfume the second fastest-selling fragrance ever after Coco Chanel.

'Fame' was launched at a bizarre live show at the Guggenheim Museum in New York on September 13. Gaga started off the bash by clambering inside a giant perfume bottle and pretended to be asleep for two hours while fans were invited to touch the singer on the hand – but were asked to refrain from disturbing her from her slumber.

Once she had awaken, meanwhile, she preened herself in front of a mirror and crouched down – with the consensus of fans in attendance being that she was urinating in a champagne bucket – before she had a tattoo applied to her head. Yoko Ono, Marc Jacobs, Paris Hilton, Michael Strahan, Jason Wu and Lindsay Lohan were among the stars in attendance.

Meanwhile, the 'Bad Romance' singer has been told by her record label to lose weight. According to Radar Online, executives at Universal have asked her to "quit gorging on her favourite foods" after they had to order her new and better fitting costumes for the rest of her tour.

After a radio interview earlier last week in which Gaga revealed that she had gained weight because she had been eating at the Italian restaurant owned by her father Joe Germanotta, a source close to the 'Poker Face' star said: "The tight, skimpy outfits weren't doing anything for Gaga's new fuller figure, so Universal ordered more flattering and better fitting costumes for the rest of the tour."

They added: "She loves to eat, but because of her tiny frame it shows if she doesn't work out as much as normal. Executives told her to quit gorging on her favourite foods."


9月22日星期六,Lady Gaga在Twitter上宣布,她的香水Fame在一周之内卖出了600万瓶,成为了继香奈儿之后卖地第二好的香水。但在香水销售量急速攀升的同时,她的体重也在暴涨。日前,Lady Gaga在荷兰阿姆斯特丹演唱会上大显“身材”,一下子发福14公斤的样子让观众大为吃惊。体重的暴涨对她的日常工作造成了严重的影响,目前她已经被经纪公司勒令远离美食,快速减肥。此外,Lady Gaga计划于10月7日在英国伦敦著名的哈罗兹百货公司为她的香水做宣传。
