
Lady Gaga自制暗黑系香水宣传又出两弹:化身铜人全裸出镜

沪江英语 2012-09-01 16:00
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She’s plugging her new perfume in a series of ads which show her smeared in sloppy egg yolk and what looks like thick, black tar.A promo plugging her scent Fame uses Gaga’s tune Scheiße – which translates as “s***”.Doubtful Charles Saatchi would go for that.

Gaga says she sampled her bodily fluids while concocting the spray so it would have the whiff of an “expensive hooker” and “blood, sweat and semen”.The scent is selling quickly in the US and Gaga announced yesterday she would be making a special appearance in Harrods in October, probably on a sales drive for it in the UK.

But droves of British fans have taken to Twitter to declare they won’t buy it because they fear it will “literally smell like s***”.It won’t be in my missus’s Christmas stocking.





2011年初Lady Gaga曾宣布要推出个人香水时,那句“闻起来会像血液、精液和高级妓女味的香水”让全世界都震惊了。等待了将近两年,这款名叫“Lady Gaga Fame”的香水终于正式问世。

继第一辑暗黑系广告之后,Lady GaGa的自家品牌香水《Fame》日前推出第二辑和第三辑广告,GaGa跟上辑一样几乎全裸出镜,出动不少猛男小矮人在身上爬来爬去,遮掩重要部位,同时玩新意将自己全身涂满油漆,变身铜人在镜头前搔首弄姿,相当出位,而且全身浸湿在蛋黄中,制造粘稠的感官效应。不过,广告大部分场面同上辑一样,不外乎主打黑色恐怖气氛,并无新意,而且片长仅得32秒,相信一众粉丝定必觉得依然不够。
