
Lady Gaga香水广告曝光 大走华丽黑暗风

沪江英语 2012-08-16 14:00
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So normally, when celebrities release a fragrance, the ad is aspirational. Gaga went in the opposite direction for the commercial for Fame, her first perfume. Gaga herself tweeted the ad out this morning, “THE OFFICIAL TRAILER “FAME” THE FRAGRANCE DIRECTED BY: STEVEN KLEIN.”

This follows a previous trailer that did not feature Gaga, and a print ad that showcased men climbing all over the naked singer. If you needed to see more of the later, you’re in luck. This commercial features tiny men crawling all over her once again (Are we suppose to assume this is the height of Fame?), as well as a futuristic fashion show and plenty of some kind of black goo that is clearly not the fragrance coming out of her mouth… it’s all coming alive like a monster! I see what she did there. Check out the 30-second spot below:


沪江娱乐快讯:流行教母Lady Gaga日前推出自创香水品牌,发行首支黑色香水Fame。为宣传这款香水,Lady Gaga可谓不遗余力,亲自上阵拍摄宣传照和广告,大胆地全裸出镜。

该广告由新锐影像大师Steven Klein执导,大走华丽的黑暗风,短短一分钟融合性感、哥特、宗教、暗黑,一如Gaga以往的鬼魅风格。而这支广告也不禁让人想起她最为知名的《Alejandro》的MV呢!  
