

Though Revenge won’t start filming till July 16, the spoilers are already leaking out like the clues in David Clarke’s murder.

And, according to TV Line, we might have one of last season’s biggest questions answered simply by looking at the Season 2 cast list.

Originally, we were convinced that Vicky and Lydia were safe and Charlotte was the gonner, but TV Line reports that both Madeline Stowe and Christa Allen are on the cast list for Season 2.

Unless the youngest Grayson is featured in flashbacks, she will survive the pill-popping fiasco of 2012.

But does that mean that Lydia Davis has tossed her perfect blonde bob for the last time? We can’t say we’re too torn up about it if that’s the case, but it also wouldn’t be in line with show creator Mike Kelley's teasers about killing off a character that would really impact the audience.

Color us intrigued.

Also mentioned by TV Line is the addition of yet another new character to the Season 2 cast.

We bet everyone’s been wondering why Takeda has no friends, but don’t worry — we might have an answer. Hideo Kita, the latest addition to the world of Revenge, is a “brilliant and imposing Japanese business owner in his 40s or 50s. He’ll help Emily, but he’s got secrets of his own.”

If Em is seeking help from another Asian aide, could this mean that Takeda has turned his back on our blondie? She does seem to have some authority issues.

Tell us your theories in the comments below!

沪江娱乐快讯: 尽管《复仇》(Revenge)第二季7月16日才开拍,但已经有不少剧透都泄露了比如大卫·克拉克(David Clarke)被杀一案的线索这样的关键剧情。

并且TV Line网站上的第二季演出演员名单可能已经揭晓了第一季留下的巨大悬念。

我们本来很肯定维多利亚(Victoria)和莉迪亚(Lydia)安全无虞,而夏洛特(Charlotte)却不幸离世,不过据TV Line报道,维多利亚的扮演者马德琳·斯托(Madelie Stowe)和夏洛特的扮演者克里斯塔·艾伦(Christa Allen)仍然名列第二季演出演员名单中。


然而这意味着我们再也看不到莉迪亚·戴维斯那头完美的金色短发了吗?如果真是如此,我们倒也不会觉得特别遗憾,但《复仇》的主创麦克·凯利(Mike Kelley)说过那个死去的角色会让观众大为震惊,这听起来可不像是莉迪亚。


TV Line还提到又将有一个新角色加入第二季。

我们相信大家应该都很好奇为什么武田(Takeda)没有一个朋友,别急,我们也许找到了一个。那就是即将亮相第二季的喜多秀夫(Hideo Kita),“ 这个人大概四五十岁,是个头脑精明,仪表堂堂的日本企业老板。他将助艾米莉(Emily)一臂之力,同时他也藏着不少秘密。”

