
傲慢与偏见:Chapter 14(2/2)

2012-02-14 19:30
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Mr. Bennet

"________1_________; and by that means, as I told Lady Catherine myself one day, _______2_______. Her ladyship seemed pleased with the idea; and ________3________. I have more than once observed to Lady Catherine, that her charming daughter seemed born to be a duchess, and that the most elevated rank, instead of giving her consequence, would be adorned by her. _______4________. "
"_______5________." said Mr. Bennet, "May I ask _______6________?"
"________7________, I always wish to give them as unstudied an air as possible. " ________8________.
She is a charming young lady indeed. Her indifferent state of health unhappily prevents her being in town has deprived the British court of its brightest ornament you may imagine that I am happy on every occasion to offer those little delicate compliments which are always acceptable to ladies These are the kind of little things which please her ladyship, and it is a sort of attention which I conceive myself peculiarly bound to pay It is happy for you that you possess the talent of flattering with delicacy whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are the result of previous study Although I sometimes amuse myself with suggesting and arranging such little elegant compliments as may be adapted to ordinary occasion Mr. Bennet's expectations were fully answered. His cousin was as absurd as he had hoped
“她真是个极可爱的姑娘。不幸她身体柔弱,不能过京城去,正如我有一天跟咖苔琳夫人所说的,这实在使得英国的宫庭里损失了一件最明媚的装璜。她老人家对我这种说法很是满意;你们可以想象得到,在任何场合下,我都乐于说几句巧妙的恭维话,叫一般太太小姐们听得高兴。我跟咖苔琳夫人说过好多次,她的美丽的小姐是一位天生的公爵夫人,将来不管嫁给哪一位公爵姑爷,不论那位姑爷地位有多高,非但不会增加小姐的体面,反而要让小姐来为他争光。这些话都叫她老人家听得高兴极了,我总觉得我应该在这方面特别留意。” 班纳特先生说:“你既然有这种才能,能够非常巧妙地捧人家的场,这对于你自己也会有好处。我是否可以请教你一下,你这种讨人喜欢的奉承话,是临时想起来的呢,还是老早想好了的?” “有时候我也自己跟自己打趣,预先想好一些很好的小恭维话,平常有机会就拿来应用,不过临说的时候,总是要装出是自然流露出来的。” 班纳特先生果然料想得完全正确,他这位表侄确实象他所想象的那样荒谬。