
美国人物志: 哈莉特·塔布曼(5/9)

2012-02-09 09:00
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哈莉特·塔布曼(Harriet Tubman 1822年?-1913年3月10日)是美国废奴主义者,杰出的黑人废奴主义运动家。她本人就是一个逃跑的奴隶,帮助许多黑奴逃亡,被称为“黑摩西”或“摩西祖母”。美国废奴主义运动的领袖约翰·布朗称她为“塔布曼将军”。
One day when Harriet was 15 she was at a local store. A slave owner entered and threatened a young boy who was his slave. At first, the slave refused to move. Then he ran for the door. Harriet moved in front of the young man. The slave owner reached for a heavy weight. He threw it at his slave. He missed. Instead, the heavy metal object hit Harriet in the head. Harriet almost died. Months passed before she could get out of bed. For the rest of her life, she carried the mark of a deep wound on her head. And she suffered from blackouts. She would suddenly lose consciousness as though she had fallen asleep.
一天,但哈莉特15岁的时候,她在当地的一家商店里。一个奴隶主进来并威胁一个年轻人,那是他的奴隶。刚开始,这个奴隶拒绝走。然后他向门跑去。哈莉特移到年轻人的前面。那个奴隶主抓到一个沉重的秤砣向他的奴隶扔过去。没打着。然而,这个重重的铁家伙砸中了哈莉特的头。哈莉特几乎死掉。几个月后,她才能从床上爬起来。在她的余生中,她的头上一直带着这个深深的伤疤。并且她要忍受忽然失去知觉的痛苦。她会忽然没了知觉,就好像她睡着了。 ——译文来自: 左氏在线english
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