
美国人物志: 哈莉特·塔布曼(1/9)

2012-02-05 09:00
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哈莉特·塔布曼(Harriet Tubman 1822年?-1913年3月10日)是美国废奴主义者,杰出的黑人废奴主义运动家。她本人就是一个逃跑的奴隶,帮助许多黑奴逃亡,被称为“黑摩西”或“摩西祖母”。美国废奴主义运动的领袖约翰·布朗称她为“塔布曼将军”。
Harriet Tubman
Underground Railroad
Historians say Harriet Tubman was born in the year 1820. Nobody really knows. In the United States in the 19th Century the birth of slaves was not recorded. We do know that Harriet Tubman was one of the bravest women ever born in the United States. She helped hundreds of people escape from slavery on the Underground Railroad. This was a system that helped slaves escape from the South to states where slavery was banned. Because of her work on the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman was called Moses. In the Bible, Moses was the leader of the Jewish people enslaved in Egypt. He brought his people out of slavery to the promised land. Harriet Tubman died in 1913. All her life, she always tried to improve life for African Americans.
史学家们说哈莉特·塔布曼出生于1820年。没有人真正知道。在19世纪的美国,奴隶的出生是不纪录下来的。 我们确实知道的是哈莉特·塔布曼是美国历史上最勇敢的女子之一。她通过地下铁路帮助了数百人逃离奴隶制度。地下铁路是一种帮助奴隶逃离南方,去往那些取缔奴隶制度的州的系统。 因为她在地下铁路的工作,哈莉特·塔布曼被称为摩西。在圣经里,摩西是在埃及被奴役的犹太人的领导。他带领他的人民逃离被奴役之地去往希望之国。哈莉特·塔布曼死于1913年。终其一生,她都在努力改善非裔美国人的生活。 ——译文来自: 左氏在线english
相关热点: 英语对话练习