

2011-12-11 14:00
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【TED】是一个会议的名称,它是英文technology, entertainment, design三个单词的首字母缩写。TED是社会各界精英交流的盛会,它鼓励各种创新思想的展示、碰撞。

Martin Jacques
Martin Jacques is the author of "When China Rules the World," and a columnist for the Guardian and New Statesman. He was a co-founder of the think tank Demos.




If you want to feel the future, if you want to taste the future, try China -- there's old Confucius. This is a railway station the like of which you've never seen before. It doesn't even look like a railway station. This is the new Guangzhou railway station for the high-speed trains. China already has a bigger network than any other country in the world and will soon have more than all the rest of the world put together. Or take this: Now this is an idea, but it's an idea to by tried out shortly in a suburb of Beijing. Here you have a megabus, on the upper deck carries about 2,000 people. It travels on rails down a suburban road, and the cars travel underneath it. And it does speeds of up to about,up to about 100 miles an hour. Now this is the way things are going to move, because China has a very specific problem, which is different from Europe and different from the United States. China has huge numbers of people and no space. So this is a solution to a situation where China's going to have many, many, many cities over 20 million people. Okay, so how would I like to finish? Well, what should our attitude be towards this world that we see very rapidly developing before us? I think there will be good things about it and there will be bad things about it. But I want to argue, above all, a big picture positive for this world.You know, for 200 years, the world was essentially governed by a fragment of the human population. That's what Europe and North America represented. The arrival of countries like China and India -- between them 38% of the world's population -- and others like Indonesia and Brazil and so on, represents the most important single act of democratization in the last 200 years. Civilizations and cultures, which had been ignored, which had no voice, which were not listened to, which were not known about, will have a different sort of representation in this world. As humanists, we must welcome, surely, this transformation. And we will have to learn about these civilizations.
如果你想感知未来,如果你想感触未来, 看看中国,这是古代的孔子。 这是一个火车站 这是你以前从未看到过的。 它看上去不像是火车站。 这是为了高速列车行驶而新建的 广州火车站。 中国已经比起全球其他国家 有更多的铁路网 不久就会超过全球铁路网总和。 举个例子:现在这是个想法, 但这想法不久就会 在北京郊区实现。 这儿会有一辆超级公交, 在公交上层会承载2000人。 它会沿着郊区的路上轨道 行驶, 车辆可以在它下面穿行。 它的时速可达每小时约100英里。 现在这个就是未来交通方式, 因为中国有非常具体问题, 它有别于欧洲 和美国。 中国人口众多,但很少空间。 所以当 中国将会有 越来越多的城市 超过2000万人口时,这会是应对这种情况的解决方案。 好吧,那么我会怎样来做结论呢? 那么,我们应该以怎样态度 来面对这个 呈现在我们面前 飞速发展的 世界? 我认为关于此事,这会有好的方面也会有坏的方面。 但首先,我想指出 这世界所展现的是一幅积极正面的蓝图。 200年来, 世界基本上 是被人类的一部分人所管辖。 这是以欧洲和北美为代表的。 新兴国家的崛起 像中国和印度 它们占世界人口的百分之三十八 和其他国家如印度尼西亚和巴西等等, 他们代表了在过去200年间最重要的人类活动 民主化 进程。 曾被 忽视,没有发言权的文明和文化, 人们对此不了解,没听说过的文明和文化, 它们将会在这世界上以与众不同地 声音代言它们自身。 作为人道主义者,我们必定要欢迎 这种转型。 我们还得学习 这些文明。