
别对我撒谎:S01E09-part2 骗婚?

2011-12-02 22:13
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-Kachauni: Thank you for meeting with me.
-Ria: What can we do for you today, Mr. Kachauni?
-Kachauni: I've read about your 1__________, and I had my people do a little research into the work you do here.
-Ria: Okay.
-Kachauni: Long and short is, I'm about to ask my girlfriend, Nadia, to marry me.
-Loker: Oh, mazel tov. It's a good thing you're starting young. It took my father five times to get it right. Affair, alcohol, green card problems, affair…
-Kachauni: So, when my company, networker, went public, I did, uh... well.
-Loker: Yeah, I'd call banking four-and-a-half billion dollars doing very well.
-Kachauni: Before I 2_________ to Nadia, I have to know if she loves me for the right reasons.
-Ria: What makes you think she doesn't?
-Kachauni: Nadia grew up with nothing. Her father was a short-order cook, in and 3___________. She's 4_________ with money her whole life: Student loans, credit card debt...
-Ria: So?
-Kachauni: So, right after my company went public, my partner's wife left him and took their two-year-old daughter. She used the little girl against him for a 5________________.
-Loker: So what is it you'd like us to do?
-Kachauni: Nadia says she had no idea who I was before we met. I just want to make sure she's telling the truth.
-Ria: Dr. Lightman does 6______________ for the FBI, TSA, police… we don't 7_________ into people's personal lives.
-Loker: But thanks for coming in. Your website's incredibly useful for reconnecting with girls who rejected me in middle
-Kachauni: Look, just do your boss a favor, and make a decision after you look.
-Ria: I think that's the micro expression for "8________."

marriage experiments propose out of work struggled huge settlement deception detection snoop holy crap
谢谢你们答应会面 您需要什么帮助吗 Kachauni 先生? 我读过你们研究婚姻关系的报道 也找人调查了一下你们的工作领域 好的 简单的说 我打算向我女友 Nadia 求婚 哦 恭喜了 你这么早尝试婚姻是好事,我老爸结了 5 次婚才找对人 小三 酗酒 绿卡 小三... 我的公司 Networker 上市后,我混的...还不错 那是 要我说存款四百五十万,那可是相当不错了 求婚之前 我想证实她是真心爱我的 你为什么觉得她有可能不真心呢? Nadia 从小生活窘困 她爸爸是打散工的厨子 收入极不稳定 钱的问题一直就没间断过 学生贷款 信用卡债务... 所以呢? 我公司刚上市不久 合伙人的妻子就离开了他 还带走了两岁大的女儿 利用孩子捞了一大笔 那你需要我们做些什么? Nadia 说在我们相识之后才知道我的身份 我只是想确认她说的是事实 Lightman 博士为联邦调查局 ,交通安全管理局 警方等进行欺诈调查 我们不插手私人生活 但还是谢谢你 我能再联系上中学拒绝我的女生们你们的网站功不可没呀 听着 看完这个再做决定就当帮你们头儿一个忙 我猜你这微表情意思是"我靠"