
万物简史:PART II CH 7基本物质(8)

2011-11-30 07:00
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Marquis de Condorcet

In 1793, the Reign of Terror, already intense, ratcheted up to a higher gear. In October Marie Antoinette was sent to the guillotine. [---1---] In May he and 31 fellow farmers-general were brought before the Revolutionary Tribunal (in a courtroom presided over by a bust of Marat). Eight were granted acquittals, but Lavoisier and the others were taken directly to the Place de la Revolution (now the Place de la Concorde), site of the busiest of French guillotines. Lavoisier watched his father-in-law beheaded, then [-2-] and accepted his fate. [---3---]

100 years after his death, a statue of Lavoisier was erected in Paris and much admired until someone pointed out that it looked nothing like him. [---4---] In the second regard he was correct. The statue of Lavoisier-cum-Condorcet was allowed to remain in place for another half century until the Second World War when, one morning, it was taken away and [-5-] for scrap.

The following month, as Lavoisier and his wife were making tardy plans to slip away to Scotland, Lavoisier was arrested. stepped up Less than three months later, on July 27th, Robespierre himself was dispatched in the same way and in the same place, and the Reign of Terror swiftly ended. Under questioning the sculptor admitted that he had used the head of the mathematician and philosopher the Marquis de Condorcet, apparently he had a spare, in the hope that no one would notice or, having noticed, would care. melted down
1793年,已经很紧张的"恐怖统治"达到了一个新的高度。10月,玛丽•安托瓦妮特被送上断头台。11月,正当拉瓦锡和他的妻子在拖拖拉拉地制订计划准备逃往苏格兰的时候,他被捕了。次年5月,他和31名税务总公司的同事一起被送上了革命法庭(在一个放着马拉半身像的审判室里)。其中8人被无罪释放,但拉瓦锡和其他几人被直接带到革命广场(现在的协和广场),也就是设置法国那个最忙碌的断头台的地方。拉瓦锡望着他的岳父脑袋落地,然后走上前去接受同样的命运。不到3个月,7月27日,罗伯斯庇尔被以同样的方式、在同一地点送上了西天。恐怖统治很快结束了。   他去世100年以后,一座拉瓦锡的雕像在巴黎落成,受到很多人的瞻仰,直到有人指出它看上去根本不像他。在盘问之下,雕刻师承认,他用了数学家和哲学家孔多塞的头像--他显然备了一个--希望谁也不会注意到,或者即使注意到也不会在乎。他的后一种想法是正确的。拉瓦锡兼孔多塞的雕像被准许留在原地,又留了半个世纪,直到第二次世界大战爆发。一天早晨,有人把它取走,当做废铁熔化了。
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