

2011-11-17 08:00
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特别提示:文中Michael 为男声,Li Hua为女声,只需听写男生的英文对话部分即可,只听写Michael说的英文部分哦!!!中文部分不需要听写!!!
在这个节目里,我们要请大家听Michael 和李华的对话,他们俩都是纽约大学的学生。 Michael 是美国人,但是他听得懂中文。又和大家见面了。Michael今天和李华约好了去纽约中国城吃饭。李华刚刚到Michael的住处。他们在对话中会用到 hang out和hard headed这两个常用语。

Ha, ha.
Good Fortune
P.S.文中除了有个别问号外,其他标点都是逗号和句号。如果文中Michael 对话出现的hang out和hard headed拼写,不需要写上去~~~
I'm coming. Hey, come on in for a minute and sit down. I'm not ready yet. Just hang out for a minute while I get ready. No. Just wait for a few minutes. No,no, you don't understand. Hang out means to pass time while you're waiting. Yeah, but it can also mean to spend time with your friends. For example, you and I hang out a lot. Ok. So hang out while I go get ready. Ha, ha. Ok, I'm ready. Let's go to Good Fortune. Do you mind if some of my other friends hang out with us? I am not lost. I think I know where we are. Hey,are you calling me hard headed? Hard headed does mean stubborn, they have the same meaning. It's an expression people use sometimes. I know where we are. We're really close to the restaurant now. Yeah, I remember meeting him, he is certainly hard headed. Sure. But remember, hard headed is only adjective to describe people. I think it's just down this block.
L:嗨,Michael, 走吧! M:I'm coming. Hey, come on in for a minute and sit down. L:还要叫我进来坐会儿呀!不行,快走,我饿了,我要去吃中国饭。 M:I'm not ready yet. Just hang out for a minute. L:嗨,你真是的,还有什么事非要现在干呐!你要我给你挂什么?一张画? M:No, no, no!! Just wait for a few minutes. L:要我等几分钟,这跟挂东西有什么关系呀? M:No, you don't understand. Hang out means to pass time while you're waiting. L:噢,hang out是等一会儿的意思? M:Yes, but it can also mean to spend time with your friends. For example, you and I hang out a lot. L:跟朋友一起玩也能说是hang out,对,我们是经常在一起活动。 M:Ok. So hang out while I go get ready. L:还要我等呀!行,不过下次不管上那儿去,要是我让你等一会儿,你可别感到奇怪哟。 M:Ha, ha. Ok, I 'm ready. L:那就走吧!你喜欢中国城哪个饭馆呐? M:Let's go to Good Fortune. Do you mind if some of my other friends hang out with us? L:好,新世界饭馆挺好。你说你还有几个朋友也要跟我们一起吃饭呀?当然没关系了,我一直认为玩的时候人多一些好。 (Michael和李华开车到了中国城) L:Michael,你知道该往哪儿走吗?我想我们还是问一下路吧,你好象是迷路了。 M:I'm not lost. I think I know where we are. L:还硬说你没有迷路呢!Michael, 别这么顽固嘛!问一下路有怎么啦?你真是讨厌。 M:Are you calling me hard headed? L:我是说你顽固,跟你的头硬不硬没有关系。 M:Hard headed does mean stubbon, they have the same meaning. It's an expression people use sometimes. L:我说呢,我刚才还真不懂什么头硬不硬。原来hard headed就是顽固。有人用hard headed这个说法?我怎么没听说过?不过,你要是问了路我就不会说你顽固了。美国男人呐,都一样,都很顽固。他们硬着头皮,就是不肯问路。 M:I know where we are. We're really close to the restaurant. L:你还不认为你迷路,你知道离新世界饭馆很近了。好吧,那我就听你的吧。 对了,Michael, 我跟我弟弟说什么他都不听,非常顽固,我能说是 hard headed吗? M:Yeah, I remember meeting him, he is certainly hard headed. L:对,你见过他。上回在公园里,他非要去跟一个不认识的女孩搭讪,我们叫他不要去,他不听,结果给人瞪了一眼,落个没趣。这真可以说是hard headed吧? M:Sure. But remember, hard headed is only an adjetive to describe people. L:噢,hard headed 只能形容人呀?我看,用hard headed来形容你是再合适不过了。走了那么多路,饭馆在哪里呐? M:I think it's just down this block. L:你还认为在这条街上。Michael, 你就在这儿等等吧,我去问路。你啊, 真是hard headed, 顽固不化。 今天Michael和李华在谈话中用了两个常用语,一个是:hang out, 意思是等一等,或跟朋友一起玩;另一个常用语是:hard headed, 意思是:顽固,固执。谢谢大家和我们一起学习[流行美语],下次节目再见。
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