

2011-11-08 13:30
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作者沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson),美国著名的传记作家。是乔布斯唯一授权传记。读完全书你会发现,乔布斯并非完美;光鲜耀眼的背后,还有另一个不为人知的乔布斯——自私、冷漠、固执、矛盾,习惯谎言与背叛,兼具强横与脆弱的内心。

Shakespeare's Henry V

【回顾】【乔布斯传】对产业彻底变革(7) »

This is also, I hope, a book about innovation. At a time when the United States is seeking ways to sustain its innovative edge, and when societies around the world are trying to build creative digital-age economies, Jobs stands as the ultimate icon of inventiveness, imagination, and sustained innovation. He knew that the best way to create value in the twenty-first century was to connect creativity with technology, so he built a company where leaps of the imagination were combined with remarkable feats of engineering. He and his colleagues at Apple were able to think differently: They developed not merely modest product advances based on focus groups, but whole new devices and services that consumers did not yet know they needed. He was not a model boss or human being, tidily packaged for emulation. Driven by demons, he could drive those around him to fury and despair. But his personality and passions and products were all interrelated, just as Apple's hardware and software tended to be, as if part of an integrated system. His tale is thus both instructive and cautionary, filled with lessons about innovation, character, leadership, and values. Shakespeare's Henry V - the story of a willful and immature prince who becomes a passionate but sensitive, callous but sentimental, inspiring but flawed king - begins with the exhortation "O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend, the brightest heaven of invention." For Steve Jobs, the ascent to the brightest heaven of invention begins with a tale of two sets of parents, and of growing up in a valley that was just learning how to turn silicon into gold.
我希望这也能是一本关于创新的书。如今,美国正在寻找方法保持自身的创新优势,全世界都在努力建设创造性的数字时代经济,乔布斯成为了创造力、想象力以及持续创新的终极标志。他深知21世纪创造价值的最佳途径就是将创造力与科技结合起来,所以他创建了一家公司,在这里,想象力的跳跃与高超的工程学技术被结合到一起。他和他的同事们能够以全新的方式思考:他们开发的并非是针对目标人群的普通产品改进,而是消费者还没有意识到其需求的全新设备和服务。 他不是众人尽可效仿的模范老板,或是人类楷模。他就像被恶魔驱使一样,可以让身边的人狂怒和绝望。但他的个性、激情与他的产品之间是相互关联的,就好像苹果的硬件和软件一样,各为整体系统的一部分。因此,他的故事既有启发性,也有告诫意义,其中充满了创新、品质、领导力和价值观方面的经验。 莎士比亚的《亨利五世》——一个关于任性幼稚的哈尔王子成长为狂热又敏感、冷漠又感性、鼓舞人心又并不完美的君主的故事——开头就是一段呼唤:“啊!光芒万丈的缪斯女神,你登上了无比辉煌的幻想天堂!”哈尔王子要做的很简单,只需要传承他那位国王父亲的事业。而对于史蒂夫乔布斯来说,那光明的创新天堂之旅,始于他的两对父母,以及一个学习如何点石成金的山谷。
相关热点: 乔布斯 英语专八阅读