

2011-11-04 13:30
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作者沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson),美国著名的传记作家。是乔布斯唯一授权传记。读完全书你会发现,乔布斯并非完美;光鲜耀眼的背后,还有另一个不为人知的乔布斯——自私、冷漠、固执、矛盾,习惯谎言与背叛,兼具强横与脆弱的内心。

New Year's Eve
Palo Alto
Mona Simpson
Bill Hewlett
David Packard


I decided then to write this book. Jobs surprised me by readily acknowledging that he would have no control over it or even the right to see it in advance. "It's your book," he said. "I won't even read it." But later that fall he seemed to have second thoughts about cooperating and, though I didn't know it, was hit by another round of cancer complications. He stopped returning my calls, and I put the project aside for a while. Then, unexpectedly, he phoned me late on the afternoon of New Year's Eve 2009. He was at home in Palo Alto with only his sister, the writer Mona Simpson. His wife and their three children had taken a quick trip to go skiing, but he was not healthy enough to join them. He was in a reflective mood, and we talked for more than an hour. He began by recalling that he had wanted to build a frequency counter when he was twelve, and he was able to look up Bill Hewlett, the founder of HP, in the phone book and call him to get parts. Jobs said that the past twelve years of his life, since his return to Apple, had been his most productive in terms of creating new products. But his more important goal, he said, was to do what Hewlett and his friend David Packard had done, which was create a company that was so imbued with innovative creativity that it would outlive them.
就在那个时候,我决定要写这本书了。让我惊喜的是,乔布斯欣然允诺,他不会干涉这本书的写作过程,甚至不会提前阅读它。“这是你的书,”他说,“我不会看的。”但那年秋天的晚些时候,他似乎对于合作有了犹豫,而我不知道的是,他被又一轮癌症并发症侵袭了。他不再回我的电话,我也把这个项目放到了一边。 之后,很出人意料的,他在2009年末新年前夜的傍晚给我打来了电话。他在帕罗•奥图的家中,陪伴他的只有他的妹妹,作家莫纳•辛普森。妻子劳伦和三个孩子去滑雪了,身体状况让他未能成行。他追思往事,跟我聊了一个多小时。他先是回忆自己12岁的时候曾经想到做一个频率计数器,当时他在电话簿上查到惠普的创始人比尔•休利特的号码,并给他打电话,想要得到一些零部件。乔布斯说,他重新回到苹果公司的这12年,从创造新产品的角度来说,是他最高产的一个阶段。但他还有一个更重要的目标,他说,就是像休利特和戴维•帕卡德一样,建立一家充满了革命性创造力的公司,而这家公司要比惠普更能经受岁月长河的涤荡。