

2011-03-10 02:17
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There's certainly too much pepper in that soup! Alice said to herself, as well as she could for sneezing. There was certainly too much of it in the air. Even the Duchess sneezed occasionally, and as for the baby, it was sneezing and howling alternately without a moment's pause. The only things in the kitchen that did not sneeze, were the cook, and a large cat which was sitting on the hearth and grinning from ear to ear.
“汤里的胡椒确实太多了!”爱丽丝费劲儿地对自己说,并不停地打着喷嚏。 空气里的胡椒味也确实太浓了,连公爵夫人也常常打喷嚏。至于那个婴孩,不是打喷嚏就是嚎叫,一刻也不停。这间厨房里只有两个生物不打 喷嚏,就是女厨师和一只大猫,那只猫正趴在炉子旁,咧着嘴笑哩。
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