

2011-10-30 14:00

尚雯婕全新概念专辑《in》中的歌曲《Underneath暗流》MV释出了。该MV在巴黎拍摄完成。镜头在通往la Défense人来人往的地下铁、守望巴黎夜景的凯旋门上,酒店阴暗的浴缸之间不断切换,由喧哗到寂寞,再由寂寞到喧哗。这首歌由她亲自作词,歌前半部分是英文,后半部分是法文,歌词内容虽简单,却是她自己的内心独白。尚雯婕也曾在微博上这样解读过这首歌:“人向往阳光,那是因为害怕黑暗。如果美好的背后是满目疮痍,没有谁愿意去面对。有没有想过,我们的世界其实分为两块,有些人生活在上面,而有些人,则生活在下面。” 




Aha, I know what you’re thinking
And you’re wrong
I’m not gonna sing you a song
This time, I’m gonna open myself
And let you see what’s inside of me

I’m in my war
It’s a battlefield of choice
A war that nobody sees, only me
Nobody wins in this war
We can only choose
Only lose
It’s a choice between the body and the heart
You win your body and lose your heart
Or you win your heart and lose your body

People ask me all these questions
My anger, my hatred
Where do they come from
They come from me
They come from my heart
I guess I’m weird 
Cause I can see on people their fears and their desires
I try not to believe in these
But they keep following me, where ever I go
So here I am
Now you’ve seen my hurts
There is a silver knife plunged in my back
See, there is a silver knife in my back

Underneath underneath
What you see underneath
Underneath underneath
Can’t you see 
It’s hard to breath

Sometimes I draw
But the portrait has no culture 
Nothing moves
Only ghosts in the flame
Wish the rain would wake me up
Then I’d go with her
Stroll with her

I see nothing outside
It’s a place that nobody comes
So, all this liberty I enjoy
And that I suffer from
It’s like you’ve dared to say you know me
It’s like you are all dead to me

All these twenty-eight years
I’ve spent them looking for myself
People think I’m crazy
I’ve always been doing things that normal people don’t do
I don’t know
I don’t understand myself
I think deep in my mind
I hate myself
But never mind
I guess I’ll just learn to forget


Je ne dors plus, je suis divisée en deux
Une en paix, et l’autre, au combat 
Je ne mange plus, car la nourriture n’a plus de goût 
Rien n’a plus rien de sens
Je vis dans le noir 
La lumière est lointaine 
Elle est inaccessible, intouchable 
Je suis ce que je ressens 
Je suis ce que je vois
Je suis ce que je crois 
Je suis ce que je ressens 
Je suis ce que je crois 
Je suis ce que je vois 



2000年有一部法国悬疑电影也叫《暗流》(Les rivières pourpres),由Jean Reno(让·雷诺)与(Vincent Cassel)文森特·卡塞尔主演。
