

stan 2011-10-07 08:00


peut-être 可能
perhaps, possibly, maybe

Pied-Noir  原住阿尔及利亚后返回法国的侨民
literally "black foot", a European Algerian in the pre-independence state.

pied-à-terre  落脚处
"foot-on-the-ground" or "foothold"; a place to stay, generally applied to the city house in contradistinction to the country estate of the wealthy

pis-aller  权宜之计
"worse"; an undesirable option selected because the other choices were even worse

piste  足迹,跑道
referring to skiing at a ski area (on piste) versus skiing in the back country (off piste).

plat du jour  当天特菜
a dish served in a restaurant on a particular day but which is not part of the regular menu; literally "dish of the day"

plongeur (fem. plongeuse)  跳水运动员
a male (or female) dishwasher

plus royaliste que le roi  维护别人利益比其本人更起劲
"more royalist than the king", i.e. more enthusiastic than the cause deserves

point d'appui  据点(军事),支点
a location where troops are assembled prior to a battle. While this figurative meaning also exists in French, the first and literal meaning of "point d'appui" is a fixed point which a person or a thing uses in order to execute a movement (e.g. a footing in climbing or a pivot).

pomme  苹果

poseur  装腔作势的人
"poser" : a person who pretends to be something he is not; an affected or insincere person: a wannabe
