

stan 2011-09-29 10:30


mal de mer  晕船的
motion sickness, literally "seasickness"

Mardi gras  忏悔星期二
Fat Tuesday, the last day of eating meat before Lent. Note that there isn't a capital to gras

marque  商标,记号
a model or brand

matériel  物质
supplies and equipment, particularly in a military context (French meaning is broader and corresponds more to "hardware")

mélange  混合物
a mixture

mêlée  混战
a confused fight; a struggling crowd

merci beaucoup  非常感谢
"Thank you very much!"

merde 狗屎(粗)

métier  职业
a field of work or other activity; usually one in which one has special ability or training

milieu  社会身份,中间的
social environment; setting (has also the meaning of "middle" in French.)
