



Howard丢下Raj去追美女害得Raj输掉了风筝,Howard买来Hello kitty的风筝哄Raj开始,囧Raj说我输掉的那只可是正宗的帕唐风筝,我花了三天时间才完成的,你买个Hello kitty就想打发我?这段对话感觉像是小两口在吵架.

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  1. 1

RAJ: It's open.

HOWARD: Hey,pal.

RAJ: What do you want?

HOWARD: I brought you a little gift. New kite.

RAJ: The kite you made me lose was an authentic Patang, Indian fighting kite that my brother sent to me from New Delhi. It took me a day to put together and two days to paint. This is Hello Kitty.

HOWARD: Yeah,but it comes with a little coin purse. Does a Patang?

RAJ: Wow,you just don't get it,do you? Buying me something pretty isn't going to make our problem just go away.

HOWARD: Look,I admit I haven't always been the best friend I could be.

RAJ: Y've been a sucky friend,a sucky,sucky friend.

HOWARD: Stipulated.

RAJ: And you do it all the time. Last week in the mall at Radio Shack,we were looking for a phone with giant numbers for your mother, and I suddenly realize you're not even there.

HOWARD: I know,I know...

RAJ: And Where were you? Getting shot down by the girl at Hot Dog on a Stick.

HOWARD: But in my defense,she was gorgeous! And working that squeezer to make the lemonade, going and down and up and down. It was like a free pole dance right in the middle of the food court.

RAJ: You're impossible.

HOWARD: Hey,at least I can talk to women without being drunk.

RAJ: Excuse me,I have selective mutism, a recognized medical disorder. You're just a douche.

HOWARD: No. You know what? Maybe that's what this whole thing's about. You're not mad at me, you're mad at yourself.

RAJ: No,I'm mad at you. I hate myself,but I'm mad at you.


1 come with与……一起供给;

CD coming along with magazine杂志附送的CD

2 shot down击落,打垮shot downin flames痛斥,严厉谴责

His so-called clever ideas were shot down in flames. 他那所谓的聪明主意遭到猛烈的批评。

3 in my defense但是我要澄清的是, 我要辩解一下. No offence没有冒犯你的意思,不要见怪.

No offence, but i really had goose bumps when you sang.无意冒犯,但你的歌声让我起鸡皮疙瘩.

4 pole dance钢管舞

5 selective mutism选择性缄默症