

2013-08-22 17:38
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四个天才兴奋地拿着风筝准备去“斗风筝”, Penny打趣的说你们是打算学本杰明发现电的存在吗?结果又被Sheldon说教了一番“本杰明并没有发现电的存在,他只是利用风筝证明闪电带电.”


SHELDON: Excuse me. You're misusing the word "ho." It's an interjection used to call attention to a destination,not an object,as in,uh,"Land,ho!" Or,uh,"Westward,ho!"


PENNY: Hey,guys. Whatcha doin'? Going out to discover electricity?

SHELDON: If you're referring to the work of Benjamin Franklin, he did not "discover electricity," he merely used a kite to determine that lightning "consists" of electricity. He also invented the Franklin stove, bifocals and the flexible urinary catheter. Kites,ho.

LEONARD: We're heading out for some kite fighting.

PENNY: "Kite fighting"?

LEONARD: Oh,yeah. It's an extremely competitive,cut-throat sport.

SHELDON: Well,actually,the risk of throat cutting is very low. On the other hand,severe string burn is a real and ever-present danger.

LEONARD: You want to come watch?

PENNY: Oh,gee.Sounds amazing. But,um,I've got some friends coming over. Not a big thing-- we're just gonna watch the Nebraska game.

LEONARD: Oh. Football,sure.

HOWARD: Good guess.

PENNY: I would've invited you,but I know you're not a football fan.

LEONARD: No,no,I'm not,so... great. You've got plans doing something you like,I've got plans doing something I like,so it's good.

PENNY: Well,maybe we'll hang out later--you know,after everybody's gone.

LEONARD: Yeah,great.

PENNY: See ya.

LEONARD: Well,this sucks.

SHELDON: I'm sorry,I got bored and drifted off. Where exactly in the interaction did the sucking lie?

RAJ:Leonard just realized that Penny's been hiding him from her friends because he's a tiny,little man who flies kites.

SHELDON: Oh,that certainly would suck.


1call attention引起注意

The lights-out event is part of Earth Hour, an effort to call attention to climate change.


2consist of由……组成, 包含

All bodies consist of molecules and these (molecules consist) of atoms. 一切物质都由分子组成,而分子由原子组成。

3 head out for启程去某处

Experts expect millions of Americans to head out of town for Christmas. 专家预计数百万美国人将去外地度圣诞。

4cut-throat凶狠的;残酷的;在表达“激烈竞争”不妨用cut-throat competition,比fierce competition似乎更“形象”

5string burn放风筝的时候,如果控制得不好,会造成绳子与手摩擦,会有灼热的感觉,就叫string burn. (题外话:小编联想到<>里面Jake说的“brain freeze”,就是一下子猛喝一口冰饮料,会感觉头痛.)

6 drift off渐渐离去;漫无目的地移动;迷迷糊糊地睡去;这里是表示走神了的意思.

They drifted off to sleep as the music played. 他们在听音乐时迷迷糊糊地睡着了。
