

shelly 2011-08-23 09:00
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节选简介:本次节选的是开头部分,故事发生在几个有“特异功能”的豚鼠执行任务的开始,Speckles在指挥着,一边还说着we're on the clock. Darwin却有些jitters, 他们的任务能否顺利完成呢?让我们拭目以待吧~~


Darwin: Ticktock, we are on the clock. Speckles, do you copy?

Speckles: Ten-four. I read you. Darwin. Five-by-five. All communication systems are online. Status report.

Darwin: I have a visual on Saber. He's wearing a $6,000 suit, $50,000 watch, and, according to my infrared scope, Hanes size 36 tighty whiteys.

Speckles: Saber's about to start his speech. Remember, the clock is ticking, dude. Blaster, Juarez, what's your twenty?

Juarez: Juarez here. Approaching first objective. We're ten seconds ahead of schedule because Blaster is a little hyped-up.

Blaster: Of course I am. This is what I lived for. Time to get this party started.

Man1: Have any activity?

Man2: Southbound is secure.

Blaster: Ok, we're clear.

Speckles: Darwin, you're behind schedule. You all right?

Darwin: First mission jitters, I guess.

Speckles: Do you want to abort?

Darwin: NO, no, it's OK. I've been trained to do this.

Speckles: I'd follow you into a snarling pack of Dobermans! Oh, wait. I already have. Now, get your fuzzy hind end moving.

Darwin: Hold on. There's a civilian passing through the perimeter. What are you looking at? Move along, pal. Oh. Don't worry. I just spotted my way in.


1. Ticktock: 快点。和后面的on the colck, the clock is ticking 意思相同,都表示时间不多了,可以互换。在表达的时候可以灵活一些。

2. copy: 收到。和后面的ten-four, I read you 表达相同的意思。

3. Five-by-five: 设备状态良好。后面还有一句status report 报到情况,这里都是在任务交接时经常用到的词,灵活运用会让你的词汇变幻多姿,不至于因为词语匮乏感到窘迫。如果问“你那边的情况如何?”类似的问题,可以像文本中那样说“what's your twenty?”, 或者“Have any activity?”等等。

4. dude: 这个词在美语中出现的频率很高,意思为“伙计,家伙”,和后面的pal可以互换。

5. hyper-up: 兴奋过头。hyper-这个前缀大家应该很熟悉了,像hypertension,hypercritical,hyperbole,等等,记住前缀的意思,加上词根就可以推测出生单词的意思。可以提高词汇量哦~~

6. We're clear: 我们安全了。clear有很多意思,这里是无障碍的;清除了...的,相当于safe。在美剧中常见。

7. behind schedule: 进度落后。落后于预计时间。那进度过快怎么表达呢?呵呵,有同学发现前面已经给出了,那就是ahead of schedule.

例如:The project is behind scheduleagain.


8. First mission jitters: 首次任务有点紧张。jitter紧张不安。很形象的一个词,可以不用anxious,worry等词。

9. abort: 流产,计划(中途失败),放弃。可以引申很多词:比如abortion,aborticide,abortive等等。

10. hold on: 等一会。继续,坚持。

例如:How much longer do you think we can hold on?


关于hold还有很多短语,这里重点说一个:hold your horses. 可不要翻译成勒住你的马,呵呵!这是句俚语,意为耐心点,慢慢来,不着急。

11. spot: 发现。那么在现场就是on the spot. 另外几个短语大家注意一下:hot spot: 热点 spot price: 现货价格 spot check: 抽样检查 beauty spot: 美人痣,皮肤斑

