
看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第一集(3) 这是唯一让Sheldon开心的方式

2013-08-22 17:38
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Sheldon跑来质问Leonard是否篡改南极考察数据,Leonard大方承认,想用良好的认错态度打发Sheldon走,好让他和Penny有时间共处。他还说在北极考察期间,Sheldon脾气相当古怪, 逼得Leonard他们无路可走甚至曾想了几种方案“弄死”Sheldon。

LEONARD: Not a good time,Sheldon.

SHELDON: Penny. Penny. Penny.

PENNY: Oh,this is ridicules.What?

SHELDON: Hello,Penny I realize you're currently at the mercy of your primitive biological urges, but as you have an entire lifetime of poor decisions ahead of you,may I interrupt this one?

PENNY: It's great to see you too. Come on in.

SHELDON: Wolowitz has informed me of your grand deception. Do you have anything to say for yourself?

LEONARD: Yes,I feel terrible about it. I will never forgive myself,I don't expect you to,either, and I would really appreciate it if you would leave me with Penny for a session of self-criticism and repentance.

PENNY: Okay,can someone please tell me what's going on here?

SHELDON: What's going on is I was lead to believe I was making groundbreaking strides in science, when in fact,I was being fed false data at the hands of Wolowitz,Koothrappali and your furry little boy toy.

PENNY: Is that true?

LEONARD: It was the only way to make him happy.

PENNY: Well,why'd you have to make him happy?

LEONARD: Because when he wasn't happy,we wanted to kill him. There was even a plan. We were going to throw his kindle outside, and when he went to get it,lock the door and let him freeze to death.

SHELDON: That seems like a bit of an overreaction.

LEONARD: No,the overreaction was the plan to tie your limbs to four different sled dog teams and yell,"Mush." Look,we kept the original data. You can still publish the actual results.

SHELDON: Yes,but the actual results are unsuccessful and I've already sent an e-mail to everyone at the university explaining that I have confirmed string theory and forever changed man's understanding of the universe.

LEONARD: Aw,see,yeah,you probably shouldn't have done that. So write another e-mail. Set the record straight. It's no big deal.

SHELDON: You're right,Leonard. It's not a big deal. All you did was lie to me,destroy my dream and humiliate me in front of the whole university. That,FYI,was sarcasm. I,in fact,believe it is a big deal.


1at the mercy of受…支配,任凭…的摆布;完全受…的支配;在…掌握中

The workers find themselves absolutely at the mercy of the capitalists. 工人们发现他们完全任由这些资本家的摆布。

2making groundbreaking strides in在…上取得突破性进展

3at the hands of由某人或通过某人的机构完成,出自……之手

Let us remember the children, those who perished, who suffered at the hands of terrorists. 让我们永远记住那些在恐怖分子手中失去生命、或受到伤害的孩子们。

4sled dog雪橇犬

5Set the record straight澄清问题;弄清真相;纠正误解;对…作出正确陈述

To set the record straight, I must say now that I never supported the idea. 在此表明,我从未支持过那种意见。
