
Lady gaga惊悚卸妆照曝光,呲牙咧嘴

2011-04-13 10:19
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She's known for her flamboyant stage shows - but in a new edition of her YouTube show Lady Gaga offers an insight into life on the road.

Gaga Vision No 41, which was posted on the singer's YouTube page on Wednesday, features behind the scenes footage of her tour as she prepares for a show.

The five-minute clip is the first episode of the web series - which Gaga made regular episodes of when she was promoting her debut album The Fame - since 2009.

She's known for her flamboyant stage shows - but in a new edition of her YouTube show Lady Gaga offers an insight into life on the road.

GagaVision No 41, which was posted on the singer's YouTube page on Wednesday, features behind the scenes footage of her tour as she prepares for a show.

The five-minute clip is the first episode of the web series - which Gaga made regular episodes of when she was promoting her debut album The Fame - since 2009.

However Gaga almost meets her match when she arrives at the concert venue and is confronted by a homophobic protestor.

The man gives her a business card which reads 'get out of hell free' and denounces her for what her refers to as her 'pervert ways'.

Afterwards, the singer hits back by saying, 'There's 3000 people standing in my line - there's nobody in his line. Who's going to hell?'

台上的lady gaga张牙舞爪的形象吸引着大批狂热者,而台下的gaga也极其不同寻常,近日gaga在其YOUTUBE页面曝光了一段5分钟的视频,记录的是她演唱会前的花絮,充分展示了她如何让自己变的更加怪异另类的过程。



