

He's the oldest, most dangerous vampire on the planet.

Following weeks of hype and speculation, The Vampire Diaries has cast a relative unknown actor in the role of Klaus, the Original blood sucker set on sacrificing Elena and breaking the curse of the moonstone.He is Joseph Morgan.
在经过数集的宣传和铺垫后,《吸血鬼日记》选择了一位名不见经传的演员来扮演Klaus,这个企图牺牲Elena来破解月光石诅咒的嗜血成性的最老吸血鬼的角色。他就是Joseph Morgan。

We know what you're thinking: Who?!?

The 30-year old Brit has a thin resume in the States, but producer Julie Plec told Entertainment Weekly last month the show likely preferred an actor "that no one’s really familiar with," so he can be exploited, "in all the good ways," of course.
这位30岁的演员演出经历并不多,但是制作人Julie Plec上个月向《娱乐周刊》透露,《吸血鬼日记》很可能会选择一位“大家并不太熟悉”的演员,这样他自然就可以更好的发挥这个角色。

The Vampire Diaries has succeeded on that front: this role will mark Morgan's first network TV appearance. He has enjoyed parts on the big screen in Alexanderand Master and Commander.